Santiago Christian School

10th Unit 6 Notes

Bible II Unit 6 Lesson 1: Prophetic writing: An Introduction Ezekiel 1-3


Learning Goals

Understand that prophetic writings are very symbolic and the most difficult to understand and interpreted.
Be able to identify and intelligently deduce some of the symbolism in prophetic writings.
Recognize that New Testament apocalyptic literature has its roots in the Old Testament books of   Ezekiel, Daniel, and Zechariah, and sections of Isaiah (and alludes a lot to the Old Testament)


Types of writings







Apocalyptical Literature

Apocalypses à ‘an unveiling’ to ____________________
Basically Prophetic writings
Has become associated with the ____________ of the world --- but that is actually Eschatology!!
It is very _______________________


Class work: Read Ezekiel 1 and identify the objects and creatures that he saw?














Burnished Bronze à




The 4 headed creaturesà




Wheel within a wheel à





Class work: Read Ezekiel 2:1-3:15

How is he addressed by God?




What did God expect from Ezekiel? And how was God going to hold him accountable?




How do you think that we should apply this to our lives?




Class work: Read Ez. 2:9-3:3 vs Rev. 10:8-11

What do you think is the significance of the prophets eating the scrolls (Read Jeremiah 15:16 to help you figure it out)?




Show me what you have learned: Read Revelation 1:12-16

Identify the objects and adjectives used to describe Christ (at least 7)? And make a guess as to what they might mean and support your guess


Lesson Highlights

Apocalypse = ___________

Eschatology = study of the _____________ 

Prophetic writings use a number of _________ devices

Biblical writers of apocalyptical literature often referred to things of the _____ to as they talked about things that were going on during their time and things that were yet to ______.

Apocalyptical literature is very ________ 







Bible II Unit 6 Lesson 2: The Last Days


Learning Goals

Identify the term in the last day’s
Recall some of the prophecies that are related to it and when it will happen
Explain were the idea that there will be a 7 year period of great judgment before the end comes from and how it relates to the book of Revelation


The end times

The phrases “the last days”,  “in that day”, and “the day of the Lord” are used to refer to the end times
In the New Testament it is associated with the return of Jesus


Class work: What do these prophecy Say

Old Testament Prophecies

Hosea 3:4-5



Isaiah 2:2


Amos 9:11


Zechariah 14:1-4



New Testament Prophecies

2 Timothy 3:1-5


1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:2


2 Thessalonians 2:1-4


2 Peter 3:3-15



Last days – how many??  Did they start already?

Acts 2:14-17

Peter’s speech in Acts

Hebrews 1:1-2

“In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe” (NIV).


Daniel’s Seventy Sevens 

Class work: Read Daniel Chapter 9: 20-27 & from book pg 153-155 & paper What are the 70 sevens of Daniel

What are the 70 sevens?


What did he predict would happen after 62 them?



Verse 27 talks about the last 7 what does it say will happen during it?


The Great Tribulation

Many believe that the last 7 that Daniel refers will happen in the future.
And that the book of Revelations is a detailed description of those 7 years.
7 year of tribulation (suffering)


Daniel 10-11

The war between the King of the North and the King of the south
The Greek Empire
After the Death of Alexander the Great the Greek kingdom was divided up into 4 parts
Daniels vision is about the wars that go on between the Ptolemaic and Seleucid kingdoms.
The history of this is recorded in the books of the Maccabes


The Greek Empire

At one point the Geeks set up an idol of Zeus in the temple and try to force the Jews to worship it.
Daniel 10-11
Much of Daniel 10 & 11 was fulfilled during the time of the Greeks – but if you do not know history then you would not know that.


Class work: Read Daniel 12

What does it say will happen in the end?



How many years is 1,290 days?



So how does Daniel Ch 12 tie in?

“at that time”
A great distress (tribulation)
The resurrection of the dead
Some to life some to death
‘How long’ – “when the power of the holy people has been finally broken”

3 ½ years from when the sacrifices stop and the bad thing (idol) is put in the temple.
Matt 24: 15


Show me what you learned: Study for a quiz next class


Lesson Highlights

In the Bible the expressions the _____  ____, in that _____, in the _____ of the _____, and the return of _______ (Lord) all refer to the end times.
The O.T. predicts that the nation of ______ will be restored, __________ will become the key city and that it will be ________ but God will save it.
The N.T. says that no one _________ when it will happen, there will be a lot of ____, the _________ will come before and _______ will happen when Jesus comes back.
In the end all will be rise back to life and be ________.
It is from the book of ______ we get the idea that the Great Tribulation will last _ years and that half way through it (3 ½  years) the __________ will have people start worshiping him.
Many believe that for these prophecies to be fulfilled the __________ has to be rebuilt


Name: ____________________________ Class: __________ Date: __________ Score: __________


Bible II Unit 6 Lesson 3: Revelation; an Introduction


Learning Goals

Identify the author of the book of Revelation and some of the major events that were going on at the time it was written
Be introduced to the content of the book of Revelation and develop a way to remember the order of the images


Author: _________________________

When written: at the end of the ______________ Century about 95 AD


Key Events of that Time

68 A.D.:  Emperor Nero (the first Roman Emperor to persecute Christian) commits suicide. His death begins a civil war. (“1st Century).
69 A.D.: Four different Emperors came to power in this year (3 of them fell) Emperor Vespasian final secured Power (“Year of the Four Emperors”).
70 A.D.: Jerusalem is destroyed (including the temple) by Emperor Vespasian’s son Titus. Titus will become Emperor in 79 AD (“Flavian Dynasty”). During this year there is also a food shortage in Rome which caused food prices to significantly increase (“1st Century”).
79 A.D.: Titus become Emperor and Mount Vesuvius erupts killing over 10,000 people in Italy (near Naples). Pompii and Herculaneum are completely destroyed and ash and fumes effect the entire region (“1st Century”).
80 A.D.: A plague of anthrax kills thousands of people and livestock over the Roman Empire.
81 A.D.:  Emperor Domitian comes to power and he tries to control everything. He is the first emperor to require people to call him “dominus et deus (master and god)” (“Domitian”).
90 A.D.: Roman ships are able to trade spices with the far East and spices become abundant in Rome (“1st Century”) see Rev 18:11-13.
95: A.D.: An outbreak of malaria affects the city of Rome (“1st Century”).
96: A.D.: Emperor Domitian is assassinated (“1st Century”).


Historical Context

Class work: On the back side write in your own words write a brief description of the historical context of the book of Revelation


Overview of the book:


So what does it all mean??

•         __________ View

–        A mostly literal description of future events

•         __________ View

–        Most everything in the book is figurative & depicts the spiritual conflict

•         __________ View

–        Mostly metaphoric descriptions of events that took place in the 1st century


Image of Jesus



Revelations 1:12-16


Golden sash

Hair white

Eyes like fire

Feet burnish bronze

Voice like rushing waters


Daniel 10: 4-6

Dressed in Linen

Belt of gold

Body like chrysolite

Face of lightning

Eyes like torches

Legs of burnished bronze

Voice like the sound of a multitude



Show me what you learned: Draw your own picture for each of one or come up with (or borrow) a short memorable phrase for each. Or you can make a song or poem


Lesson Highlights

The Apostle ______________ writes the book near the end of the first century
The book has a series of _______            /revelations
3 main ways to interpret what they are:

_______________, Symbolic, _____________

All views recognize that there are something's ________                  and _______                 in the book



Place for class work:







Bible II Unit 6 Lesson 4: The 7 Letters to the 7 Churches; Revelation 2-3

Learning Goals

Recall the structure and poetic devices of the 7 letters to the 7 churches
Identify some of the historical facts about the cities and understand the importance of knowing historical context for interpretation of prophetic books
Evaluate 3 different ways to interpret the meaning of the letters

Intro: Interpretation à Read Revelation 3:14-16

What do you think that hot means?


What do you think that cold means?


So do you think that the verse is saying about followers of Jesus?


Understanding the Background: If you don’t know the background you can misinterpret the verses

What was the water like at Colossae?


What was the water like at Hierapolis?


What was the water like at Laodicea?


So based on this what do hot and cold mean in the passage in Revelation and how does that effect the meaning of the verses




The greatest city of Asia during its time, Had a temple to Diana/Artemis (fertility goddess), Nicolaitans tried to mix Christianity with Roman religions


Wealthy city on trade rout (its name comes from the word for myrrh, Many practiced Emperor worship


The Ancient capital of Asia Minor, Name means height or elevation , Center for the worship of a pantheon of pagan deities (Egyptian, Greek, Roman)


A wealthy city known for its color dyes, Also a military outpost, A city of craftsmen and merchants and the home of numerous trade guilds


It had been a great city that was destroyed by an earthquake in 17 A.D  and then rebuilt, Known as a great fortress for its carpet industry


Was a great city of commerce, Had a large influence over the ancient world, Name means brotherly love


The wealthiest of the 7 cities and known for its textile industry made black cloth, The water had to travel a long way to get to the city and would get warm (and not good), The cities around it were known for their good water


“To the angel of the church in _____ write…”
An allusion to the image of Jesus: “these are the words of….”
Praise: ”I know ……”
Criticism: ”I hold this against you”
Warning: Repent or ….
Call to action /Appeal: ”He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches”.
Promise: “I will …..”

Class work in 7 Groups

Read your letter and identify: Image of Jesus: Praise: Criticism: Warning: Appeal / Call to action: Promise:

Create a mnemonic device to help the class remember the class remembers what was good or bad about them


What does it mean?


To the churches at that _______________________
truths can be ______________________ to everyone


Could represent any _________________ or person at anytime

Future/ Prophetic

It describes the way the Church will be in the ________________ during the Church Age
Each letter represents the church at a different __________________ in history

The Church Age

Each letter represents The Church (Christians) or a church (type of Christians) at a different point in history

[Description: the 7 churches]


Show Me what you learned

Write a letter to the church in Santiago following the format of the 7 letters to the 7 churches in revelation

1. Image of Jesus:  2. Praise: 3.Criticism: 4.Warning: 5.Appeal / Call to action: 6. Promise:

Explain how your letter could be interpreted in the 3 different ways (Historical, Symbolic, Future/ Prophetic)

Lesson Highlights

Each letter follows the same _______________ and use parallelism and_________________.
Only 2 of the churches only have ______________ things said about them (Philadelphia & Smyrna).
The letters probably had a specific meaning to the people back then but also have a _____________ meaning.
It is possible that the churches _______________ “The Church” during the age of the Gentiles

Bible II Unit 6 Lesson 5:  The Seven Seals; Revelations 4-8:1


Learning goals 

Define the Rapture including the 3 views of when it might happen
Recall the 7 seal judgments
Identify who else predicted things like the 7 seals judgments
Apply concepts you have learned to evaluate the different interpretations of the judgments



The Rapture

1 Corinthians 15:51-53
1 Thessalonians 4:15-17
Matthew 24:36-41
1Co 15:51-53

Believers taken off the earth
Either: before, during, or after the 7 years of bad stuff
Believers who get resurrected without having to die


The Rapture Different views of it

Symbolic View


Historic View


Future View



Future View – when will it happen Rapture:

The Pre-Tribulation Rapture:

Christians taken ____________ the bad stuff

The Mid-Tribulation Rapture:

Christians taken out at the ______________

The Post-Tribulation Rapture:

As ____________ is coming back in the end
Believers will meet Christ in the air and then immediately return with him back to the earth.


Support for the different views:

The Pre-Tribulation Rapture:




The Mid-Tribulation Rapture:




The Post-Tribulation Rapture:





Class work Read Revelations 4-8:1 and complete the worksheet comparing it with Mark 13 and Zachariah 6

Who predicted things like the 7 Seals?
What evidence do we have that the colors of the horses represent directions?


The 7 Seals



What do they Mean (Historical View)

Events from the First Century A.D.



What do they Mean (Symbolic View)

Different Events in History


What do they Mean (Future View)

Events that will happen during the 7 years of tribulation


The 144,000

Between the 6th and 7th seal an angel is told to seal 144,000 Jews
Some believe this means that there will be a large number of Jews that will become followers of Jesus during the tribulation
The seal that is put on their foreheads is later contrasted with the mark of the beast


Lesson Application 

Discuss with a partner your view on the rapture and the seal judgments, What do you think they mean, When will they happen?
Are you ready for the Rapture? How would you react if you got left behind?


Show me what you learned: Study for a quiz for next class



Lesson Highlights


The ____________ is when living Christians will get their perfect bodies and possibly be taking off the earth for a time.
The ______________ view of interpreting the book is the only one that explains the rapture and there are ________ different views of when it might happen
The 7 seals are similar to ______________’ prophecy  about the end.
The 4 ______________ are part of the Seal Judgments and allude to the book of _______________
The sealing of  144,000 takes place during the ________________ judgments





Bible II Unit 6 Lesson 6; The Seven Trumpets; Revelation 8-11:19


Learning Goals

Recall the 7 Trumpet judgments
Identify what event in the Old Testament is like the 7 Trumpet judgments
Recall that the 2 witness appear during the Trumpet judgments and the books says about them
Apply concepts you have learned to evaluate the different interpretations of the judgments



Class Work on the handout to compare the Trumpets with the Old Testament

The 7 Trumpets











Significance of  a Third

_________________ or perfection
An amount used in offerings
A significant day in ________________ celebrations



What do they mean?

Could they all be describing the ___________ event or major disaster?
Could they all be a more detailed description of one of the 7 seals? (which one)


Future: ___________ events that will happen during the 7 years (1/3 of earths water turned to blood)
Symbolic: _____________ of some very bad things that will happen or have occurred since the book was written
Historic: Figurative of some very bad things that happened during the siege of _______________


 Various Views of the7 Trumpets











What do you think is the best way to interpret the 7 Trumpet judgments and why?
Do you think that 1/3 should be taken latterly or symbolically and why?



The 2 Witnesses

Descried as lamp stands & olive trees
Have ______________ powers
Will be killed by the “beast that comes from the abyss” (the 5th trumpet or the beast in ch 13?)
Everyone will __________ their bodies
Will ___________ again after 3 ½ days and ascend to heaven


The 2 Witnesses: Interpretation

Historic: the Jews and the ________________
Symbolic: the Jews and the Christians
Future: 2 guys that will be in __________ preaching and doing miracles that the Antichrist will kill 

Some think they will be Elijah and Moses


Show me what you know

Write your own personal explanation of the 7 Trumpet Judgments & the 2 witnesses and how they should be interpreted. Make sure that you support your ideas and justify your explanation.


Lesson Highlights


A __________ of things being destroyed is repeated in the Trumpet Judgments

Some of the Judgments correspond with the 10 _______________ on the ________________

The judgments show God’s power over _____________________.

The two _____________________ appear during the Trumpet Judgments



Bible II Unit 6 lesson 7 The Dragon and the Beasts: Revelation 12-14


Learning goals

Recall what the book of Revelation says about the woman attacked by the Dragon, the war in heaven, and the beasts that come from the land and the sea
Explain how the book of Daniel can help us to interpret the meaning of the beasts
Identify what the Bible says about the Antichrist and the mark of the beast


Read or listen to Revelation 12-14


The Woman and the Dragon

She gives birth to a _________ who is taken up to God
She ___________ in the desert for 1,260 days (3 ½ years)
Latter attacked by the _________ but saved
Dragon goes to make war on her offspring


The Dragon = ______________
The Son = __________ (Rev 12:5)
The Woman – does not say

The nation of Israel (Jews)
The Church

The rest of her children = _________________  12:17


The war in Heaven

Satan kick out of ______________
Tells us that Satan is the ________________ of the saints
May have happened in the past (Luke 10:18) but seems to be connected with the rise of the antichrist in the next chapter


Classwork: On a separate paper answer the following

Daniel 7

Revelations 13

Describe the 4 beasts

What Animal parts?

The 4th beast has how many horns and what do they stand for?

How many horns and heads?

What happens to the horns?

What happens to one of the Heads?

What does the horn do?

What does it do?

Who will destroy it and how?

Who destroys it (see ch 19)





The Beasts

The beast from the _________  has 7 head 10 horns
One head get a fatal wound but lives
The beast of the earth does ____________ and is later referred to as the false prophet
Could represent the kingdom of the ______________ and a false __________________
The head with the fatal wound may be the antichrist
Possibly a reference to the ___________ empire and false Christians




Beasts = _______________
Horns = _________________
Heads = _____________ and ______________ (see Rev17)


Interpretation: What can we guess based on the book of Daniel and later in the book of Revelation?







Passages on the Antichrist

2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
1 John 2: 18 & 22

2 Thessalonians 2:1-12


The Mark of the Beast; Revelation 13:16-18



Mark of the Beast = a man’s number __________
Name or # of his name
Without it people cannot ____________________
May be symbolic or code for a ______________
6 is ______________ Number
The superlative (large, larger, largest) of the number 6
It is clearly associate with _____________  but not Satan’s number


Show me what you know: Study for a quiz next class


Lesson Highlights

Satan is cast out of ___________ and makes war on the Christians
The beast of the sea seems to be an allusion to ____________ 7 and is a kingdom
The beast of the ___________ is the false prophet doing miracles to lead people astray (which Jesus also predicted)
The mark of the beast (_____________ number) is associated with __________________ (buying and selling)
The images in Revelation may not be in ______________________ order 

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________ Class: _________________ Score: _________


Bible II Unit 6 Lesson 8: The 7 Bowls Revelation 15-16


Learning Goals

Recall the 7 Bowls Judgments, and what they are like
Identify the importance of the valley of Megiddo and the battle that will take place there. 


Read or listen to Revelation 15-16 and identify the 7 Bowls & what they are similar too







Class work: Answer the Questions

Identify any patterns or connections between the Judgments? (things to think about: how might they be related to each other, are they similar things just described differently, how might they be related to our modern nuclear age, etc…)






If saying something 3 times is saying that it is the greatest or the most and if 7 is associated with completion or perfection; what is the significances about having 3 sets of 7 judgments?





Why would God bring such harsh judgments to the earth?







What can we learn about the nature and character of God from these judgments?






What is the reaction of the people in Revelation 16:21?






Why do you think that they responded that way?




How do you respond to judgment (punishment)?









The battle of Armageddon

Why was Megiddo an important place?  





Where is it located (what city is it close to)?





What would have the valley of Megiddo been known for during the writing of the book of Revelation?






Show me what you learned

Complete the chart of all 21 judgments
AND come up with a creative way to remember the different judgments Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls (Suggestions: an acrostic, a rhyme or song, motions, etc…)


Lesson Highlights


The 7 Bowl judgments are the ____________________ (3rd) judgments
All of the ______________________ is turned to blood
Those with the mark of the beast are ________________________
The battle of ___________________________ occurs during the Bowl judgments.




Bible II Unit 6 Lesson 9: Bye Bye Babylon; Revelation 17-19

All the numbered questions are classwork:

Learning Goals

Identify the woman and the Beast and what the book of revelation says they are symbolic of
Compare and contrast the image of Jesus in Chapter 19 with Chapter 1
Recall what happens to the Beasts


The Woman & the Beast

How many heads & horns does the Beast have?


What has she done with the kings of the earth and the people of the earth?



What is she called?


What was she drunk with?


Read Ezekiel 6:9 – what does it compare adultery with?


Read Matthew 25: 1-12 – What are the believers compared with? Read Rev 19:7-9


In 2 Peter 2:14 it talks about false prophets having eyes filled with __________
Based on these passages what could the woman be?



What does the angel explain:

7 head = 7 _____ & 7 ______ (5 fallen, 1 is & 1 to come)
10 horns = 10 ______ – not yet received their kingdoms à their purpose to ________
The beast and the horns will destroy the ________________
The woman is the ________ that rules over the kings of the earth



The Woman or Harlot (prostitute)

Read Ezekiel 6:9 – what does it compare adultery with?


Read Matthew 25: 1-12 – What are the believers compared with? Read Rev 19:7-9



In 2 Peter 2:14 it talks about false prophets having eyes filled with __________
Based on these passages what could the woman be?





The Woman or Harlot  (prostitute)

Rome was known as the city on ___ hills
At the time when Revelations was written there had been ____ Roman Emperors
Many Christians were _____ by Nero the 5th Emperor of Rome
Bases on these facts what could the woman be?



Woman and the Beast

The Beast seems to be the same as the one that came out of the sea. It may represent the __________ or the antichrists ______________________
The woman is said to be the city ____________ but many see it as a symbolic. The 7 hills (17:9) make many to think that it is Rome. Some see her as a false _______________


The Return of the King

Read Revelation 19

How is Jesus Described differently in this chapter than he was in Chapter 1?





What do you think the differences mean?





The Beast and False Prophet cast into ______________________________________________


The Bride of Christ;  Rev 19:7

Who is the bride of Christ? 


Show me what you know

Explain why the woman (Harlot) is a city and the Beast is a kingdom use evidence from the book to support your answer


Lesson Highlights


The enemies of Christ à the ______, beast (of the sea), _____________(beast of earth), ___________ (the prostitute), & those with the mark of the beast.
The _________ could be a false religion or the city of Babylon or Rome
Jesus returns and destroys all his enemies except the _________





Bible II Unit 6 Lesson 10 God’s Holy City Revelation 20-22

Learning Goals

Identify the millennium
Recall what happens to Satan at the end
Compare and contrast the End of Revelation with the garden of Eden


The Beast and False Prophet cast into ____________________


The _______________: Satan Bound for 1000 Years

Satan Released for a Final ___________________


________________ Cast into the Lake of Fire


The Great White Throne _____________________


New Earth & the New Jerusalem



Comparisons with Genesis



Genesis 1-3










Revelation 20-22











Show me what you know

If exempting unit test – pick a format and answer the learning goals
If taking the test study for it.


Lesson Highlights


Satan is finally _________________________ and cast into the lake of fire
All people we be ___________________________ and judged
God will dwell with his people in the new _____________________ on the new ________________
The book uses many _______________________ references and also is meant to bring encouragement to the persecuted church of his time


Bible II Unit 6 Lesson 11: Interpretation


Historical Interpretation (preterist) Of Revelation

It is just a symbolic code to criticize what the Roman empire was doing during the first century AD


The beast from the sea is the Roman Empire
The head that is wounded = Cesar as the antichrist (666 stand for Nero and the buying and selling has to do with the coins with his image on them) Nero was the 5th emperor
The false prophet are false Christians that are compromising with the Roman Religion
The Harlot (woman on the beast) is the city of Rome (city on 7 hills)
The Judgments 

Describe the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD and other events during the first century


Jesus did not return
The events of siege of Jerusalem do not match directly with the book.
The book is also believed to have been written many years after Nero ruled
Other parts of the Bible describe the end of world like the book of Revelation



Symbolic Interpretation Of Revelation

It is a symbolic code for things that have happened or are happening now

Spiritual Battle

The book is just figurative descriptions of this battle

Historic events

Figurative descriptions of either things that happened before or after the book was written


Conquest – in the west   --- Conquest of Rome by the Barbarians or the Americas by Europe

War – In the East   ----- The rise of Islam or the modern wars in Asia
Famine – in the North = barbarians move south into Rome or the Communist era of the USSR
War, plague & famine – In the South --  All the current problems in Africa
A large number of Christians killed -- 45 million Christians were martyred in 20th century
Earthquake – sun & moon dark, Stars fall  -- Possible super volcano Yellow Stone



May represent various things that have already happened or are happening
The fall of Rome, The world wars, global warming
Could correspond to more than one event
The destruction of Jerusalem, the fall of Rome, The modern wars, etc …


Most prophecy has both figurative and literal parts.
Many of the prophecies about Jesus were fulfilled literally.



Literal, Future Interpretation Revelation

Literal Events that will Happen:
A figurative description of literal events that will happen in the future

7 years judgment
1000 years of Peace with Jesus on this earth
The Antichrist Will rule the world  and persecute Christians, and will set up a false god (or image of himself) in the rebuilt Jewish temple. He will almost die and will get better
Be supported by a false prophet  that will do many miracles to deceive people into worshiping the Antichrist

The Rapture

Christians taken off the earth either before, during or after the 7 years of Judgment
Christians who are alive when it happens will get new bodies (resurrected bodies) without dying


The plagues and Judgments

Will be natural and supernatural events that will happen as they are described in the book

When it says a 1/3 it means a 1/3 

The Return of Jesus

He will physically come as described and establish his reign on earth for 1000 years

Literal Events that will Happen:


When? Signs of the times:

The restoration of Israel
The rebuilding of the temple
An increase of wickedness
People loving pleasure, lack of respect, an increase in homosexuality, violence and lawlessness
Physical disasters (including wars)
False Prophets



It seems like some of the things in the book correspond to historical events
Because of the poetic language the book may have been intended to be more symbolic than literal 


Class work: Write your answer

Compare and contrast the 3 views explain at least 5 image from the book and how each view would explain it.
Explain which view you agree with more and why (support your opinion by providing examples, logic or some type of rational for your opinion)?  If you don’t agree with any of them than explain your view of the book or end of the world and support your view.


Show me – Study for the tests and or final