Santiago Christian School

Bible IV -12th Grade

Bible IV Course Overview

This course focuses on applying the Bible to one’s life and on developing spiritual discipline and character. The main aspect of the class is a journal in which the students will reflect on various Bible verses, personal devotions, guest speakers that come in and give testimonies, and other activities and discussions.  Various Bible topics that relate to teen issues are address throughout the year.
First semester each student has to give a class devotional presentation and also writes and shares a personal story of how they have seen God work in his or her life. Second semester the students have to research and present an apologetics issue to the class and also they have to come up with a demonstration or activity that teaches a positive character trait. 

Additionally both semesters we will focus spiritual and moral development by which students will pick a goal to work on. Each student will evaluate his or her progress each quarter and will be graded based on his or her ability to reflect upon his or her progress or lack of progress (you will not be graded based on how well you did or did not do in reaching your goal but on how you reflect on your progress or lack thereof).

Also both semesters we will focus on social injustice in our community and how we can work to change and improve our world by promoting Biblical justice. There will be projects based on this for both semesters that will take the place of a final exam (students will not be allow to exempt either of these projects)

At the End of the Course you should:


  • Be able to read and apply the Bible to your life
  • Have a personal time with God
  • Be able to set moral or spiritual goals and evaluate yourself
  • Present a Devotional speech
  • Be and advocate for the hurting in your community
  • Share a personal story
  • Debate difficult questions about God and Religion
  • Know how to improve your character and be able to help others improve their character 


Semester 1

Q1:  Theme = Spiritual Growth by personally connecting with God 

  • Project: Class devotional (individual or partners)

Q2:  Theme = Spiritual Growth through Community

  • Project: Personal Testimony (individual)

E1:  Identify Social Injustice: Research portfolio and Awareness product/plan

Semester 2

Q3: Theme = Spiritual Growth overcoming obstacles

  • Project: Apologetics Debate (group)

Q4: Theme = Spiritual Growth changing our character/ fulfilling our purpose

  • Project: Character Activity (individual or partners)

E2: Stop Social Injustice: Awareness campaign and implementations of solutions



  • 60% Written reflections, participation and goal verse memorization
  • 40% Quarter project and Goal evaluation

There will be no tests for this course

Written reflections and participation will be logged in Bible journals and will include the following:

Personal goals:
Verse of the Day (VS)
Personal time with God  (PT)
Guest Speakers (SP)
Live it Assignments (LV)
Class discussions
Team building activities

Journals must be kept neat and organized every entry must have a date and a title. They will be collected about every other week. If it is turned in late you will lose 10% on the entire grade for every class period it is late up to 3 class periods.

Community Service

  • Twice a month, you will receive a grade for your preparation, participation and reflection on our community service trips
  • You will be required to planning and be prepared to lead activities with kids. Extra credit may be given to those who are generous, demonstrate exceptional leadership and compassion.
  • If you are absent from a trip for any reason you must make up the grade by staying after school and helping an Elementary teacher. All trips must be made up before the end of the quarter marking period. 
  • Mercy pass (can only be used once a semester) – rather than make up a trip you were absent for you can chose to exempt the grade  OR you can turn in your journal one class period late and still get full credit (i.e. you forgot it at home that day).


Quarter project and Goal evaluation

  • Students will sign up and present their projects throughout each quarter. Every project will have to be presented to the class and some of the projects can be done with a partner. Because the students will be signing up for the day they present they will be expected to present on that day and could lose points for being late even if they have an excused absence. If there is an emergency the student will need to notify the teacher before the class period to avoid losing any points.
  • Also at the end of each quarter the students will write out a reflection evaluating their progress or lack of progress on their spiritual or moral goals (you will not be graded based on how well you did or did not do in reaching your goal but on how you reflect on your progress or lack thereof).
  • Verse memorization will be based the verse or verses that each student choose to go along with their goals. There will be frequent verse quizzes and some of them will not be announced.

Final Exams will be the social injustice projects and will count as 20% of the semester grade and may not be exempted.