Santiago Christian School

Bible IV Quarter Projects

Project Rubrics


Bible IV Q1 Project: In Class Devotions/Speech

(5 to 10 minuet devotion to be presented to the class)

Each student is required to pick a topic that challenges the audience do something good and stop doing something bad and verse/passage to share with the class to give a short devotion/reflection on it (you may work by yourself or with one other person). It must be at least 5 minutes (no more than 10) and it must have a visual aid (if you have a good video that goes with the topic that will make the presentation longer than 10min you can ask for permission to have more time, but you have to ask before).

Suggestions: Pick an issue that teens struggle with. Use a story from your life (or someone else’s) on something that God has taught you. Pick your favorite verse or passage and explain to the class why it is your favorite. Create an object lesson to go along with the verse or topic you are presenting. Use a famous quote and talk about how it goes with or against the verse that you pick.

No topic can be used more than once. You may use the same verse as someone else as long as you present a different focus or topic from it.

You will sign up for the day that you will present and you must be ready to present on that day. You must be ready to present on the day you sign up for. You will lose points for not being there (even if you have an excused absents). If something comes up you must notify the Mr. Bader and you should try to find someone in the class to take your spot.

You must talk with the teacher at least one class before the presentation to present a draft idea of your topic and how you plan to present it. The teacher may stop your presentation if your topic is inappropriate or your presentation of it is done in a way that is inappropriate.

Suggested Topics:

Pick an issue that teens struggle with. Use a story from your life (or someone else’s) on something that God has taught you. Pick your favorite verse or passage and explain to the class why it is your favorite. Create an object lesson to go along with the verse or topic you are presenting. Use a famous quote and talk about how it goes with or against the verse that you pick.

  • Addictions
  • Peer pressure
  • Overcoming Temptation
  • Lust
  • Greed
  • Sexual purity
  • Gossip
  • Helping the poor
  • Controlling your tongue
  • Self-control
  • Patience 
  • Love (what it really means to love someone)
  • Having Joy as opposed to happiness
  • Honoring your parents
  • Repentance
  • Pride
  • Humility
  • Judging others
  • Prayer
  • Spiritual Warfare/ Good vs. Evil
  • Worry
  • Trials/ tribulations
  • Envy
  • Doubt
  • Fear (regarding the future or of doing what is right)
  • God’s will
  • Grief
  • Guilt
  • Materialism
  • Sacrifice (giving up something to get something better)
  • Self-deception
  • Selfishness
  • Witnessing


Bible IV Q2 Project: Personal Testimony Project


Write out a personal story about how God has helped you or shown himself to you through some circumstance or situation in your life (needs to be typed) OR something that has happened to you that has caused you to doubt or struggle to have faith in God. It could be a good thing that God helped you with, how he protected you, how he has helped you during a difficult time, how you decided to follow him, a time when you felt God speaking to you, or any other story about how God has been a part of your life OR one that has caused you to doubt and struggle with your faith.

If you genuinely do not have any story about how God has been a part of your life or one that has caused you to doubt, you may write one about a close friend or relative (you must get permission from the teacher for this option). However, you must get the story from them first hand and even if you know the story you must interview them again (and in the paper you must let me know who that person is, how you know them, and why you chose that story).

Your paper should be at least 2 pages double spaced typed, 12pt font, and have graphics or pictures to go with it.  It should be a true story but use good story telling in your writing. The graphics or pictures should be formatted around the text not just added on at the end (it should be like a magazine or newspaper article).


Personal stories can be hard to share but you will be expected to present your story to the class. For your presentation you will need to have either a visual aid or use some type of creative story telling method. You will also need to make sure that you communicate the story and that you present it rather than just read it up in front of the class. Don’t worry if you get emotional or even cry and need a moment during the presentation to compose yourself that will be okay as long as you are able to clearly communicate the story. You may use humor in your story but you need to take the project seriously and not make a joke out of it. Also you will be expected to be respectful to the things that are shared and not gossip about them.

Bible IV Q3 Project: Apologetics Debate


You will be assigned a group and on the day of the debate a position to argue (either arguing for or against). Your group will be able to choose the topic you are going to debate but once one topic is taken by a group no other group can pick that topic. Each group will be assigned a class to have their debate.


The group debating the topic will become the experts on the topic, and everyone in the group will need to become experts on the arguments both for and against the topic. You will not be assigned the position that you will argue until the day of the debate.  

You will research your topic, document your research (with notecards or an outline), and use your research to develop and support your argument. You will need at least 3 points or main ideas/augments to support each side of the issue. These points must be supported with facts, logic and other evidence to validate them. Each group must have a work cited (which must be done in MLA format) and also must properly cite the research when using it during the debate.    
You will prepare an opening and closing speech (each should be between 2 ½  and 5 min long) for each side of the issue (an opening & closing speech for and an opening & closing speech against)
You will also need to prepare at least 3 counterarguments or questions for each side of the issue (3 for and 3 against). That you will use during the debate.
You will need to be prepared to answer the counterarguments and respond to questions that come up during the debate.


All the students in the class will be expected to participate in the debate (even when your group is not presenting) Students who are not presenting will be the audience but will also be given opportunities to ask questions and bring up counterarguments.


What will you need to turn in?

Some form of documentation of your research including your 3 supported arguments for and your 3 supported arguments against the issue. (either an outline or notecards) with a work cited page
A written copy of your opening and closing speeches both for and against (make sure you site your sources in the speeches)
A list of your 3 counterarguments or questions for each side (3 for and 3 against)


How will you be graded?

The below Rubric will be used to evaluate your performance and participation during the debate. For some of the sections you will receive a group grade and for some you will get an individual grade (sections 1& 3 will be graded as a group and sections 2, 4-6 will be individually graded).


How the debate will be conducted: 

Open speeches (each side):
One side present first main point /argument followed by time for other side to counter and people from the class to ask question or also propose counter arguments
Other side presents first main point /argument followed by time for other side to counter and people from the class to ask question or also propose counter arguments
Same for other main points /arguments
Concluding speeches (each side):


 See Rubric: 


Apologetics Topics and questions

Taken from

Exploring Apologetics

& Letters from a Skeptic


Main Topic #1: The Existence of and all powerful, loving creator God

  • Does God exist? Is God dead? Is God imaginary?
  • Why did God create us?
  • How is God all Powerful and loving and yet there is still suffering?
  • Do faith in God and science contradict? Is creationism scientific? Is creationism compatible with the scientific method? Did God create the universe? Why is the science community so opposed to creationism?
  • Why did God create Satan?
  • What is the purpose of Prayer if God knows everything?
  • Why would God care about us?
  • Why would God send people to Hell?


Main Topic #2:How can I know that the Bible is true and God’s Word?

  • Does the Bible contain errors, contradictions, or discrepancies?
  • Did the Bible copy some of its stories from other religious myths and legends?
  • Did Moses copy the Law from the Code of Hammurabi or the Egyptian book of the dead?
  • Is Jesus a myth?  Is Jesus just a copy of the pagan gods of other ancient religions?
  • Why should the Bible be our source for morality?
  • Did Jesus really exist? Is there any historical evidence of Jesus Christ?
  • Didn’t people just write and put the Bible together – what makes it better than other books?
  • Why are there so many different interpretations of the Bible?


Main Topic #3:Christianity as the only True Religion

  • Is there such a thing as absolute truth?
  • Why are there so many religions? Do all religions lead to God?
  • With all of the different religions, how can I know which one is correct?
  • Why should I believe in Christ’s resurrection?
  • Is Jesus the only way to have Eternal life?
  • Isn’t One Religion as good as another?


Main Topic #4: Problems with Christians

  • Is religion the cause of most wars?
  • Why are Christians always arguing?
  •  Why are there so many fake Christians?
  • Why are Christians so judgmental?
  •  Why is Christianity so boring? Can Christians have fun and enjoy life?
  • Why has Christianity don so much harm?
  • Is it really possible to live the Christian life


Due dates:

Draft of research all groups, both sections A and B 

Group 1: 

Group 2: 

Group 3: 

Group 4: 

How to build an argument:

Example of using sources to support your argument:
•         Bible class is the best class at SCS. According to a survey taken by Charles Medina 9 out of 10 students say it is their favorite class (Medina 1). According to SCS attendance records students are rarely absent from school on days that they have Bible class (Power School). In a recent review Maria Luisa said, “Bible class is amazing” (Jiminian 3). 
Example of using logic and reasoning to expand your argument:

•         Charles and Maria Luisa are two students that don’t seem to care at all about school or learning. Therefore if these students love Bible class it must be the best and most exciting class in high school.

For a non-religious example let’s say that someone were to say that SCS does not prepare students for PUCMM very well (objection).

How would our administration answer this objection?

They would say that SCS students learn sufficient Spanish to succeed at PUCMM (this would be one idea that they would try to make to answer the objection).

To prove this they might say that even though classes are all in English SCS students have scored high on entrance exams to PUCMM, they might provide test scores from the pruebas nacionales, they might get some testimonies from students who have graduated from SCS (this would be the evidence to support the idea).

They could try to argue that students at SCS have to learn to work hard and that that skill will help them even if it is hard for them to learn in Spanish at PUCMM (this could be a second idea to answer the objection).

To prove this they might provide honor role, or NHS statistics, they could also get testimonies here of students, they could use other examples like if someone becomes organized and disciplined in their job they will be organized in their personal life (this would be the evidence to support the idea).


Draft Outline of an argument

Objection to Christianity: Why did God create a world that he knew would go bad?

Point 1: Suffering and Pain test and develop character


                My Logic/Argument:

Just like exercising develops muscles suffering develops character

Evidence: Romans 5: 3-6

“Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us” (NIV)

Evidence: Holocaust survivors

“It has been suggested that positive traits in Holocaust survivors tend to be overlooked and that Holocaust survivors may actually be more task-oriented, cope more actively, and express more favorable attitudes toward family, friends, and work (Leventhal & Ontell, 1989).” (Kaplan)


Point 2: It cost him the greatest price so it must all be worth it

My Logic/Argument:

 Since God entered into our world and endured evil and suffering it must be worth it

Evidence: Romans 5: 6-8

“You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (NIV)

                Evidence: Philippians 2: 6-8

“Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death-- even death on a cross!” (NIV)

                Evidences: Hebrews 4:14-15

“Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are-- yet was without sin.” (NIV)


Point 3: God’s ways our not our ways and he must have a good reason for it all

My Logic/Argument:

If we had all the answers to all the questions like this one then we would be God and the fact that we don’t confirms our need for him. 

Evidence: Definition of “God”

“the supreme or ultimate reality: as a: the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator and ruler of the universe …. a being or object believed to have more than natural attributes and powers and to require human worship” ("god." Merriam-Webster)

Evidence: Isa 55:8

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.(NIV)



Work Cited


"god." Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2009; Merriam-Webster Online. 17 February 2009


Holy Bible, New International Version, ©Copyright 1984, International Bible Society, Zondervan


Kaplan, Fara; “Holocaust Survivors and Their Children: A Search for Positive Effects”;; ©Copyright 2006 The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress; February 17, 2009;



Resources for Apologetics Debate: 

(Meta)Physics: An atheist and a Christian discuss physics and philosophy:



Bible IV Q4 Project: Character Activity or Demonstration

You will need to come up with an activity or demonstration that will teach or show the value of one of the below character qualities. You may work with a partner (only one) and no character trait may be done more than once (in each class).

In addition to the activity you will need to explain the character trait, a Bible verse that goes along with the character trait,  and you will need to give examples of how having it will be helpful in your future and how not having it could be destructive (or how it can be used for good or bad).

Your activities should promote good team work and be well developed and thought-out. The students who are participating in the activities will be given a grade for their participation and need to pay attention and follow instruction.You must submit a draft of your activity at least one class before your presentation.

  1. Adaptability/ Flexibility
  2. Alert/ Attentive
  3. Appreciation/ Gratitude
  4. Kindness/ Compassion
  5. Cooperation/ Mutual aid
  6. Diligence/ Endurance
  7. Faithfulness/ Loyalty
  8. Forgiveness/ Mercy
  9. Humility/ Meekness
  10. Honesty/ Truthfulness
  11. Integrity/Virtue
  12. Joyfulness/ Enthusiasm
  13. Friendliness/ Tolerance
  14. Justice/Advocacy
  15. Commitment/Dependability
  16. Respect/ Obedience
  17. Patience/ Self-Control
  18. Thoroughness/ Efficiency
  19. Wisdom/Discernment