Santiago Christian School

Classroom Expectations


Mr. Bader Bible Class Policies: The following are the expectations for my classroom. 

General Principle: Respect – the teacher and other students

All S.C.S Rules of Behavior will be enforced

Additional Expectations for Students:      

·        Be prepared for class!  You need to have your materials for class with you every class. 

·        Your attentiveness and participation is vital!  You are expected to follow along, take notes and participate in individual and group activities.  NO outside work is to be done in class without permission (if caught it will be taken from you and may not be given back EVER!)

·        Do not ask to go to the bathroom during a class lecture or presentation, you may ask during class work time (unless it is an emergency.

·        Desks:  If there is writing or markings of any kind (or gum) on your desk you will get a detention. Weather you did it or not!! The only exception will be if you notify the teacher within the first 2 min of class that there are markings on your desk. Then the person that sat in the desk before you will get a detention.

·        Grading is based on weighted Categories  

o   If you miss a test or quiz you must be prepared to take it the very next class. It is your responsibility to be prepared and to find out what you missed before you come to class. 

o   If you are absent the day or a week before a scheduled test or project is due you must still be ready on the scheduled day.

·        Class Work: For most assignments that are assigned in class you will have until the next class period to complete them for full credit (must be turned in at the beginning of the next class).  You must remember to turn it in as it will not be asked for again by the teacher.

·        Late / Make-up Work is your responsibility! 

o   All homework and projects are due at the beginning of class or they are late

o   NO work will be graded if it is more than is 3 class periods late

o   For class and homework assignments you will generally loose 1 point for each period late, for projects or larger assignments you will lose 10% for each class it is late. 

o   You can ask for mercy for one assignment per semester (not for a test, quiz or project). This includes community service trips. You will be exempt from that grade. This will not be given to you automatically you must ask for it the day that the assignment is due (like a homework pass).

  For Bible IV you can choose to use your mercy to turn in your journal late (the next class period) for full points or to be exempt from making up a trip.

·        You may submit your work via email to

o   The email must be sent to me before the start of the class or it is late. Any assignment that you email you must have available (on your computer or a printed copy) for use in class for discussions or for you to check.  You must also put your name, grade, and the title of the assignment in the subject line of the email. Work that is sent as an attachment will not be graded unless the student explains in the email why it is sent as an attachment.

o   Also the teacher can still require you to bring in a paper copy if needed.

·        Graded Papers: After your work has been graded it will be put in your class box in on the bookshelf. It is your responsibility to pick it up. If you are required to fix an assignment you will have a zero on it until it is corrected. If you have to fix it once you will lose one point, and if you have to fix it more than once you may lose more points but you will not get any point until it is done correctly.  It should be fixed by the next class (after it has been given back).

·        Laptops in Class: You are permitted to bring your laptop to my class after you have signed the school policy. If you are using them for things other than class work or notes you will lose the privilege to use them.

·        Class Participation is mandatory!  Everyone is required to participate every day that you are in my class (you may lose points if you don’t participate).

·        Community Service trips will be taken on a regular basis as part of our class. You must have all your forms turned in before you can go on a trip. You will receive a grade for your participation on these trips. If you are absent for a community service trip then you will have to make it up by doing service work here at the school after school (assisting with elementary afterschool programs). If you so choose you can still use your one opportunity for mercy to be exempt from making it up. You will be required to submit a plan prior to going on the trip and write a reflective paragraph after the trip (see rubric). 

·        Tardiness is not tolerated. School policy will be strictly enforced. You will be told when you are being marked tardy but YOU must keep a record of how many times you have been tardy.

·        Cheating is NOT TOLERATED: SCS policy will be strictly enforced.

·        Talking when the teacher is talking or when another student is presenting will not be tolerated. Nor will it be when the teacher has asked you to work quietly on projects, nor during quizzes and tests.

·        Before  you can leave class:

o   Remember to turn in any class work

o   The class must be clean, any books that need to be stacked must be put away and the desks and chairs must be put back in their correct places. Everyone needs to help out

o   Do not line up at my door - If you are not helping and are standing by the door you will have to stay after class