Santiago Christian School

Bible IV Semester Projects

Bible IV S1 Project: Social Injustices in the Dominican Republic

 Research and Action Plan


 The goal and purpose of this project is to personally get to know people who are suffering from social injustices, document their stories, and come up with a way to help raise awareness and help these people.  You will be working in groups but each person will have a specific job. You will get an individual grade for how well you fulfill your responsibilities and a group grade for the overall product and presentation. Each group must focus on a different aspect of a social injustice that is going on here in the Dominican Republic (no two groups can have exactly the same issue), and it cannot just be a social problem like crime it has to include some aspect of injustice.

Everyone will be expected to do individual research, writing and be a part of the interviewing of people who either have personally experienced the injustice or have worked firsthand with people who have. All members must be present for the interviews (at least 3 of them). You will document your research by creating a portfolio, develop a plan, and an awareness tool to help advocate for the people you meet and help them. Second semester you will use your awareness tool and executing your plan to advocate and help. On the day of the Final Exam you will present your research and your awareness tool.



Project manager: General Job description: The project manager is responsible for coordinating and managing the project, planning meetings, coordinating all the members of the team, work with partner organization to schedule meetings and interviews, working with team members to figure out transportation to any locations and document all group activities by keeping records of what is done.

Specific responsibilities (3 team members):

Detailed Group and Individual Task list & Bi-Weekly reports
Finding and Reporting on a partner organization
Organization and servant leadership of the group

Including delegating responsibilities for the presentation

Individual research and writing (personal evaluation)
Write the 3 Solutions and plan for S2 project 

Creative director/technology expert: General Job description: The Creative director/technology expect will document the interviews, design the format and layout of awareness tool, preparing any needed materials for the presentation, and finding solutions to any technological problems the group has.

Specific responsibilities (3 team members):

Detailed individual task list
Documentation of research in portfolio (responses to question and summaries of interviews)
Awareness tools (content and Format)
No technical problems during presentation
Individual research and writing (personal evaluation)

Journalist /Editor: General Job description: The Journalist/Editor will have things that they have to write but will not do all the writing, he/she will collect the information from other team members, edit and formats the portfolio, and make sure the interviews go well.

Specific responsibilities (3 team members):

Detailed individual task list
Written description of the injustice and why unjust
Developing good Interview questions
Format and organization of the portfolio
Individual research and writing (personal evaluation)


Specific Responsibilities if you have 4 members in the group:

If you have four members on your team the forth job will be Research Expert/Journalist for semester one. For semester two it will be changed to Promotion Expert/Campaign moderator (see semester 2 for job description). Research Expert/Journalist:  General Job description: Will help all team members with their individual research and documenting all the research in the portfolio. They will working with the group to develop the interview questions and the solutions for Semester 2 plan.

Project Manager: Specific responsibilities (4 team members):

Detailed Group and Individual Task list & Bi-Weekly reports
Finding and Reporting on a partner organization  
Organization and servant leadership of the group

Including delegating responsibilities for the presentation  

Helping to develop the 3 Solutions and plan for S2 project 
Individual research and writing

Creative director/technology expert: Specific responsibilities (4 team members):

Detailed individual task list
Awareness tools (content and Format)
No technical problems during presentation
Individual research and writing

Journalist/Editor: Specific responsibilities (4 team members):

Detailed individual task list
Written description of the injustice and why unjust
Developing good Interview questions
Format and organization of the portfolio
Individual research and writing

Research Expert/Journalist: Specific responsibilities (4 team members):

Detailed individual task list
Documentation of research in portfolio (responses to question and summaries of interviews)
Developing and writing out the 3 Solutions and plan for S2 project 
Individual research and writing


List of Social Injustices:

Child Labor
Child abuse (not related to child labor) Sexual or physical
Haitian kids that can’t get an education
The poor quality of public education (waist and miss allocation of resources)
Police corruption
Jail corruption
Discrimination of Haitian workers
Discrimination of Women workers
Women getting abused
Discrimination of rich and poor communities (public services, roads, trash, etc…)
Pollution of environment by companies (water and land contamination)
Pollution of the environment by individuals (water and land contamination)
The public health system (poor sanitation in hospitals, how long it takes, cost related to income) and corruption
Human trafficking (people taken as slaves)
Lack of help (resources) for handicap and disable people
No or limited access to basic resources (water, sanitation)
Unjust inequality in a company (CEO or owner gets over 100% more than the average worker)
Statelessness: people born in the country that can’t get papers

List of things that need to get done:

Pick your job (write what qualify you for it and list 2nd, 3rd choices)
Assign teams (Teacher picks project managers and then lets them request there team personnel, the teacher than places student into teams)
Pick focus: Your injustice project (teams will number their choices and will be assigned by the teacher based on group interests)
Write out complete group task list and individual task lists (use handouts)
Research secondary sources on internet (Make sure you document your sources in MLA)

Write up individual research reports
Write draft of why it is unjust and how hurting the community (submit draft to teacher)

Find partner organization (each group must find a partner organization to work with)

Meet with partner organization & report on meeting to teacher

Develop interview questions (must make a draft and submit to the teacher before you can do the interview)
First interview

Report how it went and what learned from it to the teacher

Revise interview questions (as needed)

All the above will be due during Q1

Conduct at least 5 more interviews, document and summarize research
Write out ideas for solutions and awareness campaign for Semester 2 (must make a draft and summit to teacher)
Draft version of the portfolio (format)
Draft version of the Awareness tool/ tools (content and idea)
Prepare a presentation

Must be done with all the above 1 week before finals

Final Presentation of portfolio and Awareness tool/s (on day of final)



Detailed description of what needs to be done and put into your portfolio:

The dates below are a not official due dates see teacher for official due date for your section


Web and Print: Each person will need to research their group’s topic and find 3 articles (either print or web) that talk about the issue. Each team member will need to write an individual research report these reports will be added to the portfolio and used by the group member responsible for writing what the injustice is and why it is unjust. Sources must be cited in MLA format . (due 1 month into school around September 15th )

Interviews: Each group should get as much primary source information as they can (at least 6 sources) from doing personal interviews and/or conducting surveys (these should be from people who have directly experienced the injustice or know personally people who have). Each person needs to be present during the interviews (at least 3 of the 6 or more) to hear the stories and will have to write a report on what they learned about the injustice from hearing firsthand what is going on. (Draft interview questions due one week after research (around Sep 22nd ) first interview due 2 months into school (around October 15th before end of Q1) Other interviews and report must be completed by November 5th)

Partner organization

Your group must find a partner organization or individual who is working to help people that are affected by the injustice and meet with them. (By October 1st) The project manager will report to the teacher about the organization and the meeting.

Solutions and Awareness Plan for Semester 2 Project:

Identify at least 3 practical solutions that your group can do to raise awareness and help to bring change. You will need to develop a detailed plan with deadlines and a draft idea of an awareness campaign that you will be doing for your second semester project. For your awareness campaign you will need to pick a target group (the people you want to educate about the issue and help) and set a goal of how many people you are going to try to education about the issue and you will need to develop an awareness tool that you will use.


Your group will be collecting and organizing all of your information into a portfolio. The Editor will be responsible for the format organization of it (a draft of the portfolio is due around November 15th). It must be well organized (divided into different sections) with a table of contents, each section must be clearly labeled, and neatly formatted. All information must be typed and use excellent writing skills and if needed have English translations or summaries of materials in Spanish. It can be turned in either digitally or as a hard copy. 

You will need to include: 

Description of the Problem: A well-developed explanation that describes what the social injustice is, why it is a problem (including a sound biblical reason using quotes and references from the Bible), and how it is hurting the community.
Individual Research Reports: Each person will write an individual research report based on secondary sources investigating what the problem is and how it is hurting the community. These will need to be in MLA format with at least 3 quality sources. A high quality report will have an introduction, a body with quotes or summaries from their sources (with in text citations) with explanations of them (you must explain your information), a conclusion, and work cited.
A Record of the Data.  The record of the data should include a list of places visited (with dates), people interviewed, interview questions and answers, pictures or videos, quotes and summaries from secondary source, and any other information related to the research. Information must be cited accurately (and in MLA format when applicable) and appropriately for all sources (if some sources don’t want to be identified for confidentiality, at least identifies what qualifies them as a source).
Partner Organization: A report summarizing the meeting with the Partner Organization
3 Practical Solutions: A draft plan that explains how you hope to advocate and help (what you will do for your Semester 2 Project). The plan must identify practical solutions/strategies to encourage change for the social injustice that your group can do to raise awareness and help to bring change (at least one event and one online). Make sure you include who you hope to reach (target group)  and your overall goal (the impact you hope to have)
Awareness Tool: Copy of Awareness Tool or tools and/or links to digital ones
Individual personal reflections of what was learned during the project

Awareness tool or tools

Selected information from the portfolio needs to be presented in a powerful way that brings attention to the injustice and promotes the solutions (challenges people to do something to take action to help).  Don’t use all the use all of the information that you collected for the portfolio only selected parts of it. The product should help people see and realize what is going on, how and why it is unjust, and be challenged to help take action to stop it in some practical way (have a call to action). Students may choose to make a documentary video, make a magazine or newspaper or informational flyer (including photos), do a narrated photo journal, make a website, or make a TV program (if students have ideas about other formats to present they can ask for permission to use them).  If you make a video it must be less than 10 min in duration. You will need to prepare both an English and Spanish version of the tool – if you have interviews with people you must have subtitles.  It must be something you make (not someone else’s videos) it has to be original, accurate and interesting product (in one of the assigned formats, in both English and Spanish) that powerfully bring attention to the issue and how it is unjust, presents solutions and has a practical call to action (a practical way for the viewer to get involved).

Group Evaluation (one per person):

Each person will evaluate his/her individual participation and each members of the group. Separately to the teacher you will turn in a paper with your name and the names of each person in the group with a score out of 10 for each person and a reason for the score you give (make sure you also score yourself). You must write an explanation (at least one paragraph) for each person explaining what they did to deserver the score that you gave them.  Here is the criteria for an excellent evaluation: All the group members agree that you did your share of the work and had a significant part and your evaluation was filled out correctly with good details and descriptions of what everyone in the group did (at least one paragraph for each person).

Reflection (one per person):

Each member of the group must write a well-developed reflection (at least 2 paragraphs) on what they have learned from the project and how it has impacted them or why it has not. You must refer to specific things that you did throughout the semester and the project.


On the day of the final your group will give a formal presentation of your research and your awareness tool. Every group member must have a part in preparing and/or presenting. You will not have time to present all of your research but will need to highlight some aspects of it. You should look and act professional when presenting and will only have 10 min to present.

Your presentation must include:

A clear explanation of the injustice and how it is hurting the community
An overview of your research with some selected highlights (including your partner organization)
Your awareness tool

If in a print version you should have multiple copies to handout
If you have a video keep in mind the time limits and have it ready to play

Your  3 practical solutions that your group can do to raise awareness and help to bring change for your semester 2 project
If you have time and would like you can present what you learned



List of specific things that have to be written out

You will need to make sure that you have well written, typed documents for each of the following:

A detailed task list
Bi-Weekly reports
An explanation as to why the problem is unjust and how it is hurting and damaging society with support from a Bible verses or passage as to why the issue is wrong.
Individual research reports (in MLA format)
Report of interviews  including:

Interview questions and/or summaries of interviews
Personal reflections on what was learned from the interviews

Each person will submit a group evaluation (in which they will also evaluate themselves)
Individual personal reflection on the entire semester project


How will you be graded?

See the individual and group Rubrics
See the above descriptions to make sure that you complete all your responsibility and know what is expected for each thing


Partner organizations:

Child abuse:

Fundación RED de misericordia Inc, la casa de la misericordia Michel 829-259-9344 and Agueda Nicasio 809-664-7718, Olga Noboa de Arocha
Hogar Ninas de Dios (Maria Santos 809-582-480)


Accion Callejera 809 581 0050 / 809 971 681


New Hope Girls, Joy Reyes, 809-226-3532 or 809-222-4637




Fundacion cuidado infantil dominicano, Trudy Bekker
Directora Fundación Cuidado Infantil Dominicano
+1 809 804 7487, + 1 809 580 1855, +1 809 971 1826

MANIDI is the mothers' of disabled kids group Trudy Bekker NIURKA ESPINAL,

Special needs school: Dominican Rehabilitation Association Jaqueline Ariza-School Director (809-581-0837) 
Escuela de Sordomudos 809-582-1777


Water and Health

Barnabas Task



Techo por mi país saura M. de la Cruz Hdez, Directora de Comunicaciones,, Oficina: (+809) 540 7812
Habitat for humanity


Human Trafficking:

Go Mad Ministries:


Poor Communities:

TEARS: Rob Davis,
Project Hearts: Rubén Ottenwalder, Director & Founder, - Proyecto Corazones,, 1-809-520-2254


Individuals that could help:

Police corruption stories – Richey Vallett
Haitians – Mr Yves
Prisons – Mr Gracesqui, Mr Dale’s daughter



Centro de Atención Primaria Juan XXIII
Niños Con Una Esperanza
Oné Respe
International Justice Mission: Fernando Rodriguez, Jr. [],
La Yaguita and Pastor Ramon Jorge (Max’s church) and Yves’ school.

Bible IV S2 Project: Social Injustices in the Dominican Republic Awareness Campaign

The goal and purpose of this project is to advocate and help those who are suffering from the injustice you researched for your Semester 1 Project. Your group will need to make a planned out and sustained effort to implement the 3 (or more) practical solutions/strategies to raise awareness and help to bring change for the social injustice that your group identified first semester.

You should plan on using your awareness tool in multiple venues at least one online (social media, etc…) and at least one event.  In order to do this you may need to add and develop the plan you made last semester and make additional awareness tools. You will need to document your events and/or social media campaigns/websites with pictures or screenshots of webpages and write up a report which will include a description of what was done, an evaluation of how things went, how many people were reached and what their reactions or response was (in general), and ideas/suggestions for improvement for future efforts. Everyone in the group will be expected to participate in raising awareness and helping implement your solutions.



You will keep your same group and job from the first semester. If you want to switch jobs with someone in your group you can talk to the teacher about it and it might be allowed.

Project manager: General Job description: The project manager is responsible for coordinating and managing the project, planning meetings and coordinating all the members of the team, working with partner organization to help and raise awareness, working with team members to figure out transportation to any locations and document all information and keep records of what is done.

Specific responsibilities (3 team members):

Detailed Group and Individual Task list & Bi-Weekly reports
Coordinating with  a partner organization efforts to help
Organization and servant leadership of the group

Including delegating responsibilities for the presentation

Individual participation in effort to help/ raise awareness  and writing (personal evaluation)
Work with the group to update the plan and revise it and execute it
A description of what was done to raise awareness and help
Monitor the campaign and help make improvements and changes during the campaign and events

Creative director/technology expert: General Job description: The Creative director/technology will be the one responsible for the publication and promotion of the Awareness tools (managing digital ones), visual documentation of what is being done, and finding solutions to any technological problems the group has.

Specific responsibilities (3 team members):

Detailed individual task list
Documentation of Pictures of your events and/or screenshots of your social media campaigns
Publication and promotion of Awareness tools (and working with others to make any new ones)
No technical problems during presentation
Individual participation in effort to help/ raise and writing (personal evaluation)

Journalist /Editor: General Job description: The Journalist/Editor will have things that they have to write but will not do all the writing, he/she will collect the information from other team members, add the information to the portfolio, and will be responsible for documenting and writing up an evaluation of the group’s efforts to help and things that could be improved on

Specific responsibilities (3 team members):

Detailed individual task list
Edits and modifications to the awareness tools (and working with others to make any new ones)
An evaluation of how things went including

A description of the impact including: How many people were reached and what their reactions or response was (in general) and collecting information to documented the response (either a few quotes from people or a survey of a number of people to show their reaction or response)

Format and organization of the portfolio
Ideas/suggestions for improvement for future efforts
Individual participation in effort to help/ raise and writing (personal evaluation)


Specific Responsibilities if you have 4 members in the group:

If you are in a 4 person group the person who was the Research Expert/Journalist semester one will become the Promotion Expert/Campaign moderator. The general job description of the Promotion Expert/Campaign moderator will be the marketing of the campaign.  He/she will promote and monitor the campaign and events to make sure that they are a success and having an impact.

Project Manager: Specific responsibilities (4 team members):

Detailed Group and Individual Task list & Bi-Weekly reports
Coordinating with  a partner organization efforts to help
Organization and servant leadership of the group

Including delegating responsibilities for the presentation

Individual participation in effort to help/ raise awareness  and writing (personal evaluation)
Work with the group to update the plan and revise it and execute it
A description of what was done to raise awareness and help


Creative director/technology expert: Specific responsibilities (4 team members):

Detailed individual task list
Documentation of Pictures of your events and/or screenshots of your social media campaigns
Publication and promotion of Awareness tools (and working with others to make any new ones)
No technical problems during presentation
Individual participation in effort to help/ raise and writing (personal evaluation)

Journalist/Editor: Specific responsibilities (4 team members):

Detailed individual task list
Edits and modifications to the awareness tools (and working with others to make any new ones)
An evaluation of how things went including

A description of the impact including: How many people were reached and what their reactions or response was (in general) and collecting information to documented the response (either a few quotes from people or a survey of a number of people to show their reaction or response)

Format and organization of the portfolio
Individual participation in effort to help/ raise and writing (personal evaluation)

Promotion Expert/Campaign moderator : Specific responsibilities (4 team members):

Detailed individual task list
Edits and modifications to the awareness tools (and working with others to make any new ones)
Publication and promotion of Awareness tools and events
Evaluating the efforts of the group to help make improvements and changes during the campaign and events.
Ideas/suggestions for improvement for future efforts
Individual participation in effort to help/ raise and writing (personal evaluation)



List of things that need to get done:

Revise and update your plan

3 Practical Solutions ways to help raise awareness and help those in need with a detailed plan including deadlines  will be doing for your second semester project

Write out complete group task list and individual task lists
Revise awareness tools and make any new ones as needed
Meet with partner organizations and begin planning events and awareness campaign
Publish and promote your digital awareness tools
Document your digital efforts by taking a screen shots (at least one per month)
Develop any resources needed to document your impact (people’s reactions or response to your efforts)
Achieve your event or events

Make sure that you document them with pictures (there must be pictures of all group members who attend an event to show their participation)
Don’t forget to collect information at your event to document your impact

Write your report of what was done (see below to make sure you include all the things in your report that need to be in it)
Add the report and any new awareness tools to the portfolio from semester one (make sure that it is formatted in a neat and professional manner
Prepare a presentation of your report

Must be done with all the above 1 week before finals

Final Presentation of your Awareness campaign and efforts to help (on day of final)


Detailed description of what needs to be done and put into your portfolio:

 (These things will be added to your first semester portfolio):

A revised and updated plan

A description of the  target group for the awareness campaign and event or events (who are you going to reach)
A specific, detailed plan describing what needs to be done, how to get it done, what each person needs to do (with deadlines)
Your goals for the campaign: a description of what you hope to accomplish (what you want your impact to be)


Copies of your awareness tools

The awareness tools that were made for first semester need to be revised and improved and new awareness tools should be developed to support and help the campaign. You will need to turn in one copy of each tool (you can turn in a link for digital one)



A written report of your efforts including the following:  

A well developed, typed report that uses excellent writing skills to explain and describe what the group did to raise awareness and help to bring change to the problem. Make sure that you begin with a short summary of the problem.

A description of what was done

Pictures of your events and  screenshots of your social media campaigns

Multiple (5 or more) good pictures of any event. Multiple (5 or more) screenshots of digital or social media taken over an extended period of time (like one per month) to show the changes and development and involvement of others.
The pictures and/or screen shots must be  formatted in a visually appealing way in the above written report (not just added as an attachment but integrated as graphics within the text)

An evaluation of how things went including

A well developed, typed evaluation (that uses excellent writing skills) to explain and describe the impact of your awareness campaign. It should include a how many people were reached and a general description of their reaction or response.
Documentation of the impact will need to be  to quantified by either collecting quotes from people and/or doing a survey of people to show their reaction or response to your efforts (if you use a survey you must have a summary of the results in the portfolio and not just the filled out surveys). The evidence  that you collect must be  formatted in a visually appealing way in the above written evaluation (not just added as an attachment but integrated as graphics within the text; if you do surveys you can have them as an attachment with the summary integrated in the report)

Ideas/suggestions for improvement for future efforts

A well developed, typed evaluation (that uses excellent writing skills) of things that your group could have been done better and ideas and suggestions for improvements for future efforts to help with the problem and raise awareness


Group Evaluation (one per person):

Each person will evaluate his/her individual participation and each members of the group. Separately to the teacher you will turn in a paper with your name and the names of each person in the group with a score out of 10 for each person and a reason for the score you give (make sure you also score yourself). You must write an explanation (at least one paragraph) for each person explaining what they did to deserver the score that you gave them.
Here is the criteria for an excellent evaluation: All the group members agree that you did your share of the work and had a significant part and your evaluation was filled out correctly with good details and descriptions of what everyone in the group did (at least one paragraph for each person).

Reflection (one per person):

Each member will write a well-developed reflection (at least 2 paragraphs, typed, and that uses excellent writing skills) on what you have learned from the semester 2 part of this project and how you can apply it to your life in the future. You must use specific examples of things that you have learned from your awareness campaign and the event/events that you did.


A presentation of what you have done and the impact

You group will need to give a high quality presentation of your report of your efforts and the impact. You should look and act professional when presenting and will only have 10 min to present. You will need to have visual aids for your presentation. In your presentation you will need to include a brief description of the problem, what you did to raise awareness and help, and the impact that your efforts had. If you would like you can present your ideas for improvement and what you learned.


How will you be graded?

See the individual and group Rubrics
See the above descriptions to make sure that you complete all your responsibility and know what is expected for each thing