Santiago Christian School

10th Grade Projects

Show Me what you Learned Assessments 


These count in the 60% Mastery of the Material (demonstrating that you understand and can use the material) section of your grade.



Excellent: 90-100% A

Demonstrates depth of understanding and knowledge of learning goals (including the key details)
Formats and organizes the information in a neat and organized way that excellently communicates and expresses the information
Demonstrates ownership if the information by explain concepts in your own style and expression, being creative, making meaningful connections, and applying it to bigger concepts.


Good: 80-89% B

Demonstrates understanding and knowledge of learning goals (including the key details)
Formats and organizes the information in a neat and organized way that clearly communicates and expresses the information
Demonstrates ownership of the information by explain concepts in your own style, making meaningful connections, or applying it to bigger concepts.

Acceptable: 70-79% C

Demonstrates understanding and knowledge of learning goals (including the key details)
Formats and organizes the information in a neat and organized way that clearly communicates and expresses the information
Demonstrates ownership of the information by explain concepts in your own words


Insufficient: 0-69% F

Does not demonstrate understanding and/or knowledge of learning goals (leave out key details)
Formats and organizes the information in a way that fails to communicate and expresses the information (If I cannot read or understand your information because of the format)
Shows no ownership of the information because concepts and ideas are not explained in your own words


How you will be Scored

Understanding of learning goals including the key details (50% of project grade)
Format and organization of the information (15 % of project grade)
Ownership if the information (35 % of project grade)


Bible II Semester 1 Final Project: My Gospel


For this project you will be making your own version of the Gospel. You will not be making up stories about Jesus rather you will be choosing ones that are in the Gospels to put in your own version of the Gospel. You will have to pick an audience and a focus. You will then choose stories to include that relate to your audience and/or your focus. You will NOT put the actual text of the Bible in your Gospel (just an outline of it with the reference and titles of the stories). However, you will be writing a brief explanation of the stories and how each one of them relates to either your audience and/or your focus.


Title: You will need to give your Gospel a Title

Background: A brief description of what happened during the Intertestamentary  Period to provide the background to the Gospel.
Author: A brief bio about you as the author of this Gospel (one who put it together)
Audience: A description of your audience (must be a specific group of people or person and cannot be the same as one of the 4 Gospels, and should be a contemporary audience)
Focus: A description of your focus, the more specific the better (should relate to your audience and cannot be the same as one of the 4 Gospels)

Outline of 20 stories or sermons from the 4 gospels that relate to your audience and/or focus (You must have stories from more than one Gospel and they cannot just be individual verses). You will need to put the title from the Bible (and if you want you can give it your own title too) and the Reverence (book, chapter, verses) DO NOT PUT THE TEXT FROM THE BIBLE. These stories must relate to your focus and/or your audience. You will need to number your stories in the outline.
Explanation: After each of the above stores (as part of the outline, a sub point below the reference and title) you will need to write an explanation for how each story you picked relates to either your audience or your focus (to do this you will need to explain a little about the story).  

Bible II Semester 1 Final Project: My Gospel


For this project you will be making your own version of the Gospel. You will not be making up stories about Jesus rather you will be choosing ones that are in the Gospels to put in your own version of the Gospel. You will have to pick an audience and a focus. You will then choose stories to include that relate to your audience and/or your focus. You will NOT put the actual text of the Bible in your Gospel (just an outline of it with the reference and titles of the stories). However, you will be writing a brief explanation of the stories and how each one of them relates to either your audience and/or your focus.


Title: You will need to give your Gospel a Title

Background: A brief description of what happened during the Intertestamentary  Period to provide the background to the Gospel.
Author: A brief bio about you as the author of this Gospel (one who put it together)
Audience: A description of your audience (must be a specific group of people or person and cannot be the same as one of the 4 Gospels, and should be a contemporary audience)
Focus: A description of your focus, the more specific the better (should relate to your audience and cannot be the same as one of the 4 Gospels)

Outline of 20 stories or sermons from the 4 gospels that relate to your audience and/or focus (You must have stories from more than one Gospel and they cannot just be individual verses). You will need to put the title from the Bible (and if you want you can give it your own title too) and the Reverence (book, chapter, verses) DO NOT PUT THE TEXT FROM THE BIBLE. These stories must relate to your focus and/or your audience. You will need to number your stories in the outline.
Explanation: After each of the above stores (as part of the outline, a sub point below the reference and title) you will need to write an explanation for how each story you picked relates to either your audience or your focus (to do this you will need to explain a little about the story).  

Example of outline for a gospel written to teachers:


1.John 1:19-28 (John the Baptist Denies Being the Christ)

A role model teacher should claim the truth and only the truth when it applies and they should not credit themselves where they don’t deserve credit. In this passage John the Baptist is asked if he is the messiah or a prophet. He could have won himself some status if he had said yes, but he did not. He was honest and humbly did god’s work.


·         The Gospel: At the end you will need to include the Gospel story (Jesus Death and resurrection) pick the references from one or more of the Gospels. These will not count as part of your 20 stories. You do not have to explain how these relate to your audience and focus but you will need to include a brif explanation of what The Gospel is (what Jesus’ death and resurrection did for us).


Suggestions for audiences and focus
•      To Haitians – to show that God loves all people
•      To a specific group of teenagers – to show that Jesus is not boring
•      To a person you know who is suffering - to show that God cares and suffered for us
•      To models – to realize the importance of the heart not just our looks 



Rubric Not updated

My Gospel Outline (50 points)




Exceeds Expectations (10-9)

Meets expectations (8-7)

Needs Attention (6-0)


Picks an excellent, specific and creative audience

Picks a good general audience

Picks a poor audience


Picks an excellent, specific and creative focus and clearly explains it.

Picks a good general focus and clearly explains it.

Picks a poor focus or fails to clearly explain it.


Includes 20 good stories or teachings (not individual verses) that excellently fit with the audience and/or focus AND all of them are correctly labeled titles and references. (2 points for each story)

Includes 20 good stories or teachings (not individual verses) and most the stories fit well with the audience and/or focus AND all of them are correctly labeled titles and references. (1 points for each story)

Includes less than 20 good stories or teachings (just have individual verses), stories don't seem to fit  OR fails to label them correctly


Excellently explains how all the stories or teachings they picked relate to the audience and/or the focus. (2point per story)

Adequately explains how the stories they picked relate to the audience and/or the focus.

Poorly explains how the stories they picked relate to the audience and/or focus.


Picks stories from 3 of the 4 Gospels. Includes the Gospel (Jesus’ death and resurrection).

Picks stories from 2 of the 4 Gospels Only has part of the Gospel (Jesus’ death or resurrection).

Picks all their stories from the same Gospel. Or The Gospel is missing (Jesus’ death and resurrection).


It is creatively formatted, interesting to look at, and it is typed or written out in a neat and creative way.

It is neatly formatted, and it is typed or written out in a neat way.

It is poorly formatted, or it is not typed or written out in a neat way.