Santiago Christian School

10th Grade Review Materials

Bible II Key Concepts Unit 1 and 2



Identify and Explain what happened during the Intertestamental period, including the empires that came to power (the Roman, Greek, and even the Hasmonean Kingdom) and the influences that they had on the on the New Testament times.

Identify the regions of Palestine and the significant that they had during the life of Jesus.

Identify and explain the social and political background of the region of Palestine during the life of Jesus including the role of Herod the Great and his sons, the Sanhedrin, the Temple, the synagogues, and the Sadducees, Pharisees, Zealots, Essenes, the role of women, the tension between the Jews and the Romans, and the Samaritans.

Explain how the New Testament is the fulfillment of the Old Testament and how Jesus relates to the promises that God made to the Israelites.

Identify the term gospel and what the key message of all of the Gospels is.

Identify what the gospels are and explain why the Gospels are different and why we have 4 of them.

Identify the term Synoptic Gospel and explain what it means. Identify the Synoptic gospels and the synoptic problem and its explanation

Explain how the Bible was passed down to us (including that we do not have any of the originals) and identify that there are very few discrepancies that have been found and that none of them really matter

Explain the types of differences (including the genealogy of Jesus) that are found in the Gospels and why these are not contractions

Identify the authors (including some key facts about them), focuses, audiences (including how we know they wrote to them) and some of the unique content (not just the titles of the stories but the content of them as well) to Mark, Matthew and Luke

Identify some of the stories that are found in all of the synoptic gospels and the stores that are found in all 4 of the Gospels

Identify the type of leader that the Jews were expecting and the type of leader that Jesus was

Explain the challenges that some of the disciples had in following Jesus

Recall how Jesus dealt with his popularity

Explain what a parable is and why Jesus taught in parables.

Explain the different perspective that Jesus teaches in the sermon on the mount

Explain a Christians mission in life and how they are to treat each other

Identify the Kingdom of Heaven and explain what it is

Identify the term Eschatology and explain how Jesus says that we should be prepaid for his second coming.

Explain the birth of John the Baptist and Jesus and identify were these are found

Explain Jesus’ temptations and how he was able to overcome them

Identify that those who accepted Jesus were not the ones you would expect

Explain what Jesus mission was








Key Facts about the Author

Key Facts about the Author

Key Facts about the Author







Who Written to

Who Written to

Who Written to










Main Focus or Theme

Main Focus or Theme

Main Focus or Theme













Characteristics of the book

Characteristics of the book

Characteristics of the book



















Unique Stories

Unique Stories

Unique Stories












































Things found in all























































































Bible II Key things from Unit 3


Identify the 3 key facts about the author of the book of John

Identify the the audience of the book of John and explain how we know he was writing to them

Identify the focus of the book of John

Explain how the book is structured and how the structure relates to Greek culture

Identify the 7 key miracles/signs in the book (not just the names but what happened)

Explain the 3 stories regarding Jesus’ interaction with a Pharisee and 2 women (know which of these stories was probably not in the original book of John)

Identify the 6 I Am metaphors and be able to explain how Jesus identified himself as God

Identify the events of the Passion Week – where they took place and on what days

Explain how the religious leaders tried to trick Jesus and how he responded

Identify the events of the Passover meal (5 key things that happened during the meal)

Explain the significance of Passover and how it relates to Jesus and communion

Identify the person who betrayed and the person who denied Jesus

Identify the things that Jesus said on the cross and how they relate to the Old Testament

Explain the significance of Jesus’ death and Resurrection

Identify Jesus final instruction to his disciples

Explain the ascension and identify when it happened and in what books it is found  

Semester review game




Bible II Key Concepts from Unit 4


Identify the author of the book of acts

Identify the event of Jesus’ life that is in the book of Acts

Identify and explain how the book of Acts is structured around Acts 1:8

Identify and be able to compare and contrast the 2 major people in the book

Be able to explain what an apostle is and identify 4 of the apostles talked about in the book of Acts

Identify and explain the 3 main problems that the early Christians had and how they dealt with them

Identify the first Christian martyr and the first apostle to be martyred

Identify and explain the significance of a number of important people in the book of Acts including Stephen, Philip, James, John Mark, Barnabas, Silas, and Timothy

Explain how Paul converted and what he was like before and after his conversion

Identify and explain how the Holy Spirit came upon the Apostles, the Samaritans, and the first gentile believers

Be able to compare and contrast Paul’s 3 missionary journeys including why he went, where he went, who went with him, and 4 - 5 of the major events that happened on each of them

Identify the question that the Christians had after Paul’s first journey, how it was handled and what was the conclusion (also be able to explain how it relates to Peter’s interaction with Cornelius)

Describe Paul’s arrests and trials and how and why he was sent to Rome

Identify what happened on Paul’s trip to Rome and how God helped him

Explain how the book of Acts ends and what is unusually about it.


Bible II Key Concepts from Unit 5


Be able to identify the author and audience for the Epistles

Identify the main idea or a key concept of each of the Epistles

Explain why we classify the books of the Epistles as Epistles (and identify what an Epistle is)

Identify the structure of an Epistle

Identify how many of the Epistles Paul wrote

Identify when the Epistles were written in relation to the book of Acts

Identify the general idea or at least one of the main concepts of each of the Epistles

Identify the theme of the book of Ephesians

Explain what ancient Ephesus was like

Recall and be able to identify various theological concepts that are found in the Epistles

Explain what the Church is and the metaphors that are used for it in the book of Ephesians

Explain the interdependency of believers and Identify some of the spiritual gifts or roles that are found in Ephesians

Explain spiritual warfare and be able to identify and explain the Armor of the Lord (including what each piece represents) and how it relates to the spiritual battle.


Bible II Key Concepts from Unit 6


Identify the author of the book of Revelation

Explain why it is classified as a book of Prophecy

Identify the terms Apocalypse and Eschatology

Be able to identify the correct order that the visions/events occur in the book of Revelation

Explained how Jesus is described in the book in both the beginning and the end

Recall what 2 churches only had good things said about them and what church only had bad things said about them

Identify the 3 major judgments in the book and be able to distinguish them from one another

Explain how the book of Daniel helps us understand how to interpret the book of Revelations (From chapter 7 and 9 of Daniel)

Identify what judgments are like the things that Jesus predicted

Identify what judgments are like the 10 plagues of the Exodus

Explain what happens to the 2 witnesses

Explain the mark of the beast

Identify and explain what in the book is believed upon by all the views to be symbolic of the kingdom of the antichrist

Explain how various passages in the bible can help us understand what the “Babylon the Grate prostitute” is

Identify the three main ways that we learned to interpret the book, be able to explain them and give examples from the book of what things mean

Explain the rapture and identify the 3 views of when it will happen

Identify what happens at the end of the book and how it is similar and different to how things were in the beginning (when God fist created the earth)

10th Grade Second Semester Final Review Guide

pg 87-177


Unit 4: Acts







Ananias & Sapphira



                John Mark









Greece (key cities)

Asia Minor  (key cities)


Jesus’ ascension,

Pentecost/the coming of the Holy Spirit,

The gift of tongues,

Paul’s conversion,  

                The spread of the gospel – Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, to the ends of the earth (to the Jews, Samaritans and the gentiles 


                The council in Jerusalem – key issue 

                Paul’s 3 missionary journeys (places visited, results, etc…)

                Paul’s arrest and Trip to Rome


Unit 5: The Epistles


Books Classified as Epistles (and why)

Who wrote what to who

Interpretation (context)

I John – teaches about love




                Salvation by Grace

                The body of Christ

                The mystery of the Gospel

                Spiritual Gifts/offices


                Spiritual gifts


 Unit 6: Revelation



                Apocalypse & Eschatology  


The use of Symbols

                Like the book of Ezekiel

                Many come from Old Testament

                7 is the number of completion



                7 years of the tribulation from the 77s

                Daniel and many other O.T.  Prophets also prophesied about the last days




                The Resurrection of the Dead

                The great tribulation

                The Rapture

  • Pre, Mid, and post Tribulation

                The last judgment


Content of Revelations:

                Image of Christ

                7 letters to the Churches

  • Historical and Prophetic Views
  • Some had good and bad things two were not condemned and one was not a commended
  • The letters follow the same pattern and also make reference to the image of Jesus in Chapter 1

                The throne in heaven

                7 seal judgments

  • The 4 riders
  • Are similar to the things Jesus talked about

                7 Trumpets

  • The repeated pattern of a third being destroyed

                2 witnesses

                The Woman and the Dragon and the war in heaven

                The beasts of the Sea and Earth

  • The antichrist and the false prophet

                7 bowls

  • All the earth being judged
  • People still do not repent

                The prostitute on the Beast

  • Babylon (Rome or false religion/ false church)

                Jesus on the Horse

                The beast and false prophet judged

                Satan bound for 1000 years

                Last battle

                Satan and everyone judged

                The New Jerusalem




All agree that some things in the book are symbolic and figurative

•Future View –A mostly literal description of future events

•Symbolic View –Most everything in the book is figurative & depicts the spiritual conflict

•Historic View –Mostly metaphoric descriptions of events that took place in the 1st century




Second Semester Review Questions 


1.      Who wrote the book of Acts? 

2.      Who are the two key people that are compared in the book of Acts?

3.      What event does the book of acts begin with?

4.      How do the Apostles pick Matthias to replace Judas?  

5.      How is an Apostle different from a disciple? 

6.      What is the sign of the coming of the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts?

7.      During what festival does the Holy Spirit first come upon the Apostles?

8.      How does Peter react when he is beaten for preaching about Jesus?


9.      What problem causes the Apostles to select 7 people to help them?

10.  Who was the first Christian martyr?

11.  What is another name for the Saul that supervised the death of Stephen?

12.  What happened to Ananias and Sapphire when Peter confronted them about lying?

13.  What happened to the Christians as a result of the persecution? 

14.  Who preached the gospel to the Samaritans and to the Ethiopian? 

15.  Did the Samaritans receive the Holy Spirit as soon as they believed?

16.  How did Paul become a Christian?

17.  What happened to Peter that prompted him to go preach the gospel to the Gentiles (at Cornelius’ house)?

18.  Did the Gentiles receive the Holy Spirit as soon as they believed?

19.  How does Peter get rescued from prison?

20.  What is the amazing way that Peter healed people?

21.  Who goes with Paul on his first missionary journey?

22.  Where does Paul go on his first missionary journey?

23.  Do the Jews or the Gentiles persecute Paul more on his journeys

24.  Who goes with Paul on his 2nd missionary journey?
(Starts the journey with him)

25.  Who joins Paul during his 2nd missionary journey?

26.  Where does Paul go on his 2nd missionary journey?

27.  How does Paul get rescued from prison?

28.  Where does Paul go on his 3rd missionary journey?

29.  Why does he go on his 3rd missionary journey?

30.  What city does Paul stay at for a few years during his 3rd journey?

31.  What ancient wonder of the world was in Ephesus?  

32.  Why did the Apostles have call a council during the book of Acts?  

33.  What happens to Paul when he goes to Jerusalem after his 3rd journey?

34.  Why does Paul have special privileges when he is arrested?

35.  Where was Paul from?

36.  Why didn’t the governors release Paul if he innocent?

37.  Why does Paul get sent to Rome?

38.  Does Paul get to have is trial with the Emperor in the book of Acts? 

39.  How many Epistles does Paul write?

40.  Why are the Epistles classified as Epistles?

41.  The structure of the Epistles is the same as a modern letter

42.  Most of Paul’s Epistle were written during the book of Acts

43.  What is the theme of the book of Ephesians?

44.  In the Bible what is the church?

45.  What is Theology?

46.  Is the word Trinity found in the Bible?

47.  What is our shield in the spiritual battle we are in?

48.  What book was written by Jesus’ brother?

49.  What book was written to the Jews?

50.  Who wrote the book of Revelation?

51.  What literary device is used in the 7 letters to the 7 churches?

52.  How many judgments are there in the book?

53.  Is the book of Revelation the only one that talks about the end times?

54.  What is unique to the seal judgments?

55.  What is unique to the trumpet judgments?

56.  What is unique to the Bowl judgments?

57.  Who will come back to life (be resurrected) in the end?

58.  What are the 3 views of how to interpret the book?

59.  What is the Beast that Comes out of the sea symbolic of?

60.  Where will people live forever with God?