Santiago Christian School

10th Learning Goals

Unit 1 

Lesson 1 

Identify and Explain what happened during the Intertestamental period, including the empires that came to power and the influences that they had on the on the New Testament times.
Recall what language the New Testament was written in and explain why

Lesson 2

Identify Herod the Great and explain the influence that he had on Palestine.
Explain  the social and political roles in 1st cen Palestine, including the social status of women, the Samaritans, the Sanhedrin and the Romans

Lesson 3

Explain the social/religious groups in 1st century Palestine (including the Sadducees, Pharisees, Zealots, and Essenes) and how they interacted with each other and the significance that they have to the New Testament.

Lesson 4

Identify the Covenants in the Bible and explain how Jesus is the fulfillment of them.
List some reasons why people think the Bible is inaccurate and use supporting evidence to show that the that the Bible is accurate regardless of these concerns

Lesson 5

Identify the different authors of the Gospels and some key facts about them
šExplain why the Gospels are not biographies of Jesus’ life and make the connection that some of the differences in the Gospels are because different people focus on different things


Unit 2: 

  • Identity the how and why the book of John is very different from the other Gospels
  • Explain why the synoptic gospels are so similar but still different
  • Present evidence to defend the idea that the gospels are accurate even though they have some differences
  • Identify author, audience, focus, and structure of the book of Mark
  • Explain how we know what the focus is AND how we know that the book was written to the audience that it was written to
  • Understand the importance of our actions and what our actions say about us.
  • Identify the type of leader that Jesus was and how he was different from what the Jewish people were expecting
  • Analyze the positive and negative aspects of popularity and identify why Jesus became popular
  • Summarize the feeding of the 5000 & Jesus walking on water, identify were they are found, and articulate lessons we can learn and apply to our lives from these stories
  • Recall that a parable is a story with a symbolic meaning, summarize the parable of the sower, identify that is found in the Synoptic Gospels, and explain why Jesus taught in parables
  • Identify author, audience, focus, and structure of the book of Matthew
  • Explain how we know what the focus is AND how we know that the book was written to the audience that it was written to
  • Preview the content of the 5 discourses in Matthew
  • Identify the message and key themes in the Sermon on the Mount
  • Compare and contrast God’s standards with the worlds
  • Explain the difference between a disciple and an Apostle
  • Identify the Kingdom of Heaven and how to be a part of it
  • Recall the mission that Jesus gave to his followers and identify how Jesus followers today need to live out that mission
  • Identify the Kingdom of Heaven as the Church, and explain how Christians are to treat each other with humility, and forgiveness.
  • Identify and recall the unique parables in Matthew (the weeds and the unforgiving servant)
  • Identify the term Eschatology
  • Recall the parables of the talents, the 10 Virgins and the sheep and the goats, and that they are found in Matthew
  • Recall that Jesus could come back at anytime and that we need to be read by living for him by using the gifts he has giving us. Identify author, audience, focus, and structure of the book of Luke
  • Explain how we know what the focus is
  • Identify some of the unique stories in the book of Luke and explain how they relate to his focus
  • Recall how Jesus overcame temptation and apply his methods to modern struggles that teens deal with
  • Understand the importance of followers of Jesus to address social problems and issues like Jesus did
  • Identify some of the unique stories in Luke and explain how they show Jesus concern and help for the rejected and abused people of his time
  • Follow Jesus’ example and work to make the world a better place for everyone

Unit 3 


  • Identify author, audience, focus, and structure of the book of John
  • Explain how we know what the focus is AND how we know that the book was written to the audience that it was written to
  •  Identify and preview some of the unique content in the book of John Recall the first 2 miracles in the book of John and their significance
  • Compare and contrast Jesus interaction with Nicodemus and the Samaritan Woman and explain how these stories support the reliability of the Book
  • Apply the concepts of being born again and being transformed by Jesus to one’s life
  • Recall the 3rd, 4th and 5th miracles in the book of John and their significance
  • Identify and explain the 7 I Am metaphors
  • Explain how Jesus identified himself as God
  •  Summarize the Biblical doctrine of Salvation and explain how one can receive Salvation
  • Identify the 6th and 7th miracles in the book of John and explain how they symbolize salvation
  • Evaluate why the Jewish leaders did not accept Jesus and identify reasons why people reject Jesus today