Santiago Christian School

10th Unit3 Notes

Bible II Unit 3 Lesson 1: Prologue to John, John 1:1-18

Learning Goals 

  • Identify author, audience, focus, and structure of the book of John
  • Explain how we know what the focus is AND how we know that the book was written to the audience that it was written to
  •  Identify and preview some of the unique content in the book of John


Author :

  • “the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 13:21-25) 
  • A fisherman who became a _____________________


Purpose – like all the Gospels

  • All the Gospels were written to get people to believe that Jesus _____________________ to pay for our sins
  • John 20:30-31, “So that people will have life by believing that Jesus is God, the savior”


Focus: Jesus is _________  who became a man

  • The book clearly teaches the deity of Jesus but it also shows that he was human.
  • How do we know?
    • Read John 1:1-14

Structure = Jesus One true God 

Bases on 7 miracles signs                     Greek Gods

(2)                                                       Dionysos – Greek god of wine

(4)                                                        Artemis – goddess of children

(5)                                                        Asclepios – god of healing

(6)                                                         Demeter – goddess of the harvest

(6)                                                        Poseidon – god of the sea

(9)                                                       Theia –goddess of sight

(11)                                                      Hades – god of the dead


Identify the miracles and pick the one that you know the least about skim read it and either illustrate it or summarize it in your own words


So how do we know that John is focusing on Jesus being God?



  • Probably people who had heard about Jesus
    • Because it was written after the synoptic Gospels
  • People that were not from Palestine
    • Because they did not speak Aramaic or know the places in Jerusalem (John 5:2)
  •  People that knew the Old Testament
    • Because the book starts by alluding to the book of Genesis and he uses  “I Am” to identify Jesus as God. To Moses God Said his name was “I am who I am”
  •  People who knew Greek Religion and Philosophy
    • Because the Miracles chose for the book and use of “the Word”



  • ______________  Greeks
    • Jews who had grown up in areas outside of Israel and __________________________________________


  • Greek _____________
    • ______________________________________________________ to the Jewish Religion


Differences from the Synoptic:

  • Most of the book is different with only a few accounts of the same stories which have a different perspective
  • No _______________ – instead he uses symbolic metaphors and allegories.
    • I am the bread of life
    • I am the good Shepard
    • I am the vine
    • I am the light of the world
    • I am the way the truth and the life
    • I am the resurrection and the life
    • I am the door (or gate)


Some of the Unique Teachings:

  • The incarnation (God became Man – unique from the other gospels) 1:14-18
  • New birth (we must be born again) ch 3
  • Bread of life (must receive Jesus)ch 6


Some of the Unique stories:

  • Water into ____________  (ch 2)
  • Jesus’ talk with Nicodemus (ch 3)
  • _______________ woman at the well (ch 4)
  • The woman caught in adultery (ch 8)
  • Raising of ____________ from the dead (ch 11)
  • Jesus washing his disciples feet (ch 13)


Cool Fact about the book

  • The one that we have the oldest copies of , meaning the closest to the original.
  • The Rylands Fragment of John, an Egyptian papyrus, dates to 135 AD about 50 years after the original was written.


Show me what you learned:

Complete Godbook on John


Lesson Highlights 

  • John was one of the 12 Apostles and called himself in the book the   _____            that Jesus _____________
  • We have the oldest     _________          of this book
  •  John          _______        his book on 7             ______       of Jesus
  • John focused on the fact that Jesus was both a ___________ and ___________
  • John wrote to either ________________ Jews or _______________ Greeks or both.
  • Very _______________ from the synoptic gospels and has no ______________




Bible II Unit 3 Lesson 2 Jesus’ Public Ministry Begins; John 1:19-4:54


Learning Goals

  • Recall the first 2 miracles in the book of John and their significance
  • Compare and contrast Jesus interaction with Nicodemus and the Samaritan Woman and explain how these stories support the reliability of the Book
  • Apply the concepts of being born again and being transformed by Jesus to one’s life 


What miracle/sign would people today accept as proof of God? Or what would it take to prove to an atheist that there is a God  


Group Work 

  1. John 2:1-11 Skit or illustration
  2. John 2:12-25 – Skit or illustration
  3. John 3 – PowerPoint or song
  4. John 4:1-42 – Skit or illustration
  5. John 4:43-54 – Skit or illustration


Key stories




The First Sign

The Second Sign



Class work

  • Compare and contrast how Jesus interacts with the Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman. (To which one of them does he admit that he is the messiah?)
  • How does this support the reliability of the story (why it is not just a made up story)?
  • What areas do you need Jesus to transform in your life or what are some signs of God’s  power today that people often ignore?


Show me

  • Imagine that you are the apostle John and make a journal entry for the 4 key stores. In your entries make sure that you cover all the learning goals:
    • Summarize the first 2 miracles and say why they are  significant
    • Give the differences and similarities in how Jesus interacts with Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman and explain why John would be surprised by what Jesus did
    • Apply the concepts of being born again and being transformed by Jesus to his life 

Lesson Highlights

  • Jesus __________________ is the first sign in the book of John.
  • Jesus explains _________ to Nicodemus (being born again).
  • Jesus tells the Samaritan Woman that he is the __________.
  • Jesus _____________ is the second sign in the book of John.


Bible II Unit 3 Lesson 3: Jesus is GOD our Savor; John 5:1-6:71

Learning Goals

  • Recall the 3rd, 4th and 5th miracles in the book of John and their significance
  • Identify and explain the 7 I Am metaphors
  • Explain how Jesus identified himself as God
  •  Summarize the Biblical doctrine of Salvation and explain how one can receive Salvation


More Signs


Jesus’ Witnesses; John 5:31-45

  • John the Baptist
  • God
  • Moses


Why is it so hard for people to believe?


Why didn't Jesus just say that he was God? Or did he?


  • Why does he call himself the Son of God?
    • Does that mean God had a son?
  • What can we learn from the context
    • John 5: 18 
    • John 1:1-18 
    • Philippians 2:6-7
  • Read John 8: 12-59
    •  What does Jesus say about the Jews that did not accept him (are they still connected with God)? Who does he say their father is?
    • Why did the people want to stone Jesus?


Salvation, what is it and how do you get it?John 1:12, 3:16, 5:24, 6:40, 6:47, 6:54

  • First write down what you think the answer is
  • Then read the verses and write down what you have to do and what Jesus says that he will do for us or give us.
  • Revise your answer based on what you learned from the verses


  • What does Jesus promise? John 6:37-40
    • Can you know for sure if you will be saved when you die?


Jesus’ I Am statements. Write down the metaphor (or draw an image for it) that Jesus uses and next to it put what you think it means, finally support your opinion

  • John 6:35 – I am the bread of life = if we receive him we will have life, and sustenance spiritually. Support = we need bread to live physically and John 4:13 (Jesus talk with the Samaritan woman
  • John 8: 12
  • John 10: 7
  • John 10:11
  • John 11:25
  • John 14:6
  • John 15:1


Show Me

  • Summarize or illustrate the 3rd, 4th and 5th  miracles in the book of John and their significance
  • Make a modern I AM metaphor for each of the 7 I am statements
  • Explain how Jesus identified himself as God
  • Explain what Salvation is and how one can get it


Lesson Highlights

  • Jesus did              to be God even though he did not            it.
  • Jesus said that he was the          of God as a way to say that he was ______
  • Jesus uses                     , I Am statements to say he was God
  • Jesus claimed to be _____ when he said that before Abraham was ‘I am’ in John 8:58 and that is why they wanted to _______ him.
  • If we              and             Jesus then he will give us                    life







Bible II Unit 3 Lesson 4 “The blind receive sight,….the dead are raised …” John 9:1-11:53

Learning Goals

  • Identify the 6th and 7th miracles in the book of John and explain how they symbolize salvation
  • Evaluate why the Jewish leaders did not accept Jesus and identify reasons why people reject Jesus today


Two More Signs


The Controversy

What was Jesus doing that the Jewish leaders could not deny?


  • John 9:29-30


  • John 11: 47-49


Why didn’t the Jewish leaders accept Jesus?



How the miracles relate to Salvation 



Key Stories and Signs from John 

  • Turning water into wine
  • Jesus’ talk with Nicodemus (must be born again)
  • Jesus’ talk with the Samaritan woman (He is the living water)
  • Healing the officials son
  • Healing at the pool
  • Feeding the 5000
  • Walking on water
  • Jesus’ talk with the crowd (He is the bread of life)
  • Jesus forgives the woman caught in adultery
  • Healing a man born blind
  • Raising Lazarus from the dead


Lesson Highlights

  • More and more people began to follow Jesus. The _______ that he was doing were clear signs that he was from God. The Jewish ______ did not accept him and were afraid of ________ their positions of leadership because the people were turning to Jesus.


Class Work -Review  Unit

  • Write 5 Questions from our study of the book of John. 3 True/False and 2 Multiple choice

When you have finished everyone will trade papers with someone and will take the other persons quiz. After you take it you will have the person who made it correct it and show you what you did wrong. (Both making and taking the quiz is a class work Grade)


Show Me:

  • Study for your Quiz