Santiago Christian School

10th Unit4 Notes

Lesson 1: Acts; an Introduction 


Learning goals: After this lesson you should be able to 

Identify the author of the book of Acts
Describe the structure of the book
Identify the two primary characters of the book
Explain how the Acts corresponds to the Epistles
Describe the 2 events in Acts chapter 1


Title and Background






Author and Audience






Structure and Message






How it fits in the New Testament






Acts Chapter 1

1.      What are the 2 major events in the chapter?

2.      How do they decide to choose Judas’ replacement?

3.      How would have you handled choosing Judas’ replacement? (would you recommend their method or do you have a better idea)



Lesson Highlights = You figure them out

Review your notes and star or highlight the most important concepts, then rank them in the order of the most important to the least important.
Compare your notes and the things you have identified with the person next to you


Bible II Unit 4 Lesson 2: Pentecost; Acts Ch 2


Learning Goals

Explain what happened to the Apostles on Pentecost, Identify the Jewish feast of Pentecost  

Recognize how the Holy Spirit empowered the disciples

Identify the gift of tongues (and what it was a sign of in the book of Acts) and defend your view of

Explain what the early Christians did to be united



The Feast of Pentecost

Celebrates_____________________________________________________________________________, also the feast of the first fruits of the harvest

Leviticus 23:15-18

Jews from all over the Roman World (who spoke different languages) were in Jerusalem




Acts Chapter 2

Try to identify the 3 Key Events



Outline of Peter’s Message

Defense for the miracle

Quote from Joel

Jesus was the Messiah and you killed him

God raised him back to life

Quote from David

We are witnesses

A call to repent and be baptized



What is the Gift of Tongues?



The Gift of Tongues

In Acts = The sign of the coming of the ______________



In 1 Corinthians 14




Class work: Discuss in groups

Have you ever heard someone speak in tongues? If so how did it make you think or feel, if not how do you think you would react if you heard someone doing it?
Why are people often judgmental and against things that they are not familiar with?
Presume some of the reasons why people think this gift was only for the time of the Apostles and not for today







Can you:

Explain what happened to the Apostles on Pentecost

Identify the Jewish feast of Pentecost  

Recognize how the Holy Spirit empowered the disciples

Identify the gift of tongues and defend your view of it

Explain what the early Christians did to be united


Show Me:

Write your view on the gift of Speaking in Tongues (output) Make sure that you support your opinion and refer to the things in Acts that we have learned. MAKE SURE THAT YOU COVER ALL THE LEARNING GOALS (see example if needed)


Lesson Highlights

The Holy Spirit came during the Jewish Feast of _______________

The Holy Spirit empowered the disciples to __________ the gospel

The sign of the coming of the ___________ was the gift of ___________

Christians have many different views on the Gift . Some think it is a ________ language other things it is the ability to speak other languages




Bible II, Unit 4 Lesson 3 Preaching in Jerusalem: Acts 3-6:7


Learning Goals

Understand that the early church was marked by uncommon unity, but it was not without conflict
Identify and explain the three major problems or obstacles that the believers have to deal with
Learn from others and apply lesson from the book of acts to your life


3 Main Problems in 4 Key Stories

What are the 4 key stories?

What are the three major problems or obstacles that the believers have to deal with in these chapters?

Peter & John Heal a crippled beggar

Problem =



The Believers are helping one another

Problem =



Apostles preach & heal more people (Peters shadow heals people)

Problem =



7  selected to help distribute the food (aid)

Problem =



What seems strange about the attitude of the apostles when they are persecuted for preaching?
Did Ananias and Sapphira’s punishment fit their crime?
Do Dominicans discriminate between those who have lived here their whole lives vs. those who have lived in the US (and if so how)


Peter’s Speeches


Act’s 2

A Defense for the miracle

Jesus was the Messiah and you killed him

God raised him back to life

A call to repent and be baptized

Act’s 4

A Defense for the miracle

Jesus Is the Messiah and you killed him

God raised him from the dead

Quote from the Scriptures



Class work:

Peter & John heal a crippled beggar : Draw a picture (with images) or summarize






The Believers are helping one another (Ananias and Sapphira): Develop a modern day analogy of what happened




Apostles preach & heal more people (Peters shadow heals people): Draw a picture or make a slogan







Discrimination between Christians : Identify the historical and cultural reasons why the Grecian Jews would be discriminated?





Are Christians being persecuted today? If so where and by who and in what ways? (write as much as you know without looking up anything)






Explain how lying can hurt and destroy trust in a relationship and  why people should consider it more serious than we often do






Give an example of discrimination that happens here at SCS or in the DR and explain what you can do to help prevent and stop it







Show me what you have learned:

Study for quiz for next class


Lesson Highlights

The Early Church was marked by ________________ but had ___________________
The Apostles preach the gospel even though they are _________________
Ananias and Sapphira are _______________ for lying
The believers are all Jews but there is still ______________________
The Apostles select 7 leaders to prevent discrimination in ________________ the ____________

The 2 you will need to know Phillip & Stephen 


Bible II Unit 4 Lesson 4: The Cost of Following Christ: Acts 6:8-8:3


Learning Goals

Identify how the early Christians were persecuted by the Sanhedrin, and the first Christian martyr
Recall the extent and reasons for modern day persecution,
Explain the attitude of Apostles when they were persecuted,
Demonstrate concern for modern day Christians who are being persecuted


Class work: Imagine and describe a setting in which you are being persecuted for your beliefs. (Be creative and have fun with it but try to make it realistic)

Next write a reflection on how you think you would respond (emotionally & mentally) to being persecuted and how you think it would affect your beliefs 


What Happens?

_________________  the first martyr (killed for your religion)  
Stephen is _________________
He ____________ to the council
Summarizes part of the Old Testament

Focuses on the Fact that God is not limited to the people of Israel and the Temple

He is _______________ to death
First ___________________ to be killed for his faith
Saul/Paul is their ____________________________


Discuss the following Question: Why do you think that God allows Christians to be persecuted?


Class work: Computer Lab Explore the following websites:

Once you have read some of the stories and seen some of the media and learn more about Christians who are being persecuted

Re-answer the question: Where Christians being persecuted today by who and in what ways?

Use the prisoner alert website to write a letter

Print the letter and the address (if you want to use Google translator to add more to your letter or even just write a message you can)


Show Me:

Make a poem or series of illustrations (with captions) to show what happened to Stephen and the attitude that he had about being persecuted


Explain where Christians being persecuted today, by who and in what ways. Make sure you give some specific examples



Lesson Highlights

A _____________ is someone who dies for their faith
_______________ was the first Christian martyr
His death caused the _______________ of the church
Christians have been ________________ throughout history and are still being persecuted ___________ in many countries.

Name: _________________________ Date: ___________ Class: __________ Score: _____


Bible II Unit 4 Lesson 5: On To Judea and Samaria Acts 8:4-40 & 9:32-43


Learning Goals

Identify the spread of the gospel to Samaria by Philip and coming of the Holy Spirit to them by Peter
Recall how God used Peter in miraculous ways to spread the Gospel (and later in the unit be able to compare that with Paul)




Acts 8:1-8
Acts 8:9-25
Acts 8:26-40
Acts 9:32-43



One of the 7 chosen to help with ___________________
Left Jerusalem because of the persecution
Brings the Gospel to the ________________ and the Ethiopian Official (and others in Judea)


Simon the Sorcerer

Was a sorcerer but became a Christian
Wanted the power to do ________________ like the Christians
Tries to ____________ this power from Peter
Peter rebukes him and he ______________



Ethiopian Official

Was probably a Jew or a convert to Judaism
Is reading the _______________ but doesn’t get it
_______________ explains it to him and he believes


Aeneas and Tabitha 

Aeneas was a paralytic
Tabitha (Dorcas) __________________
_______________ healed Aeneas and raised Tabitha back to life


Read Pg 98-100




Class work: Make a Slogan or Draw a picture for Each







Simon the Sorcerer







The Ethiopian Official


















Show me: Quiz next class


Lesson Highlights

Philip was one of the __________ chosen to help the apostles
Philip went to ______________ because of the __________________ in Jerusalem
Simon the Sorcerer tries to buy the _______________
Philip also preaches in ______________ to the Ethiopian Official
God uses Peter to do miraculous things like ______________ and _______________








Name: _______________________________ Date: __________ Class: ______________ Score: _______


Bible II Unit 4 Lesson 6: On the Road to Damascus Acts 9


Learning Goals

Identify and explain how one of the early Christians worst enemies becomes their biggest missionary?
Imagine what it would be like to convert or have Jesus appear to you

Pick one & write about it

What is a conversion experience? Have you or someone you know had one ? What was it like?

Imagine that Jesus appeared to you. Describe how you would feel, how it might impact or change your life. What do you think that he would say to you? Where do you think that it might happen? Etc …



Read: Acts 9:1-31


Explain in your own words

How did the Christians worst Enemy become their biggest missionary?




On a scale of 1-10 rate how much you knew about Saul’s conversion before today's class and then give yourself a score for how much you know now







Show me: Writing assignment : see handout 





Lesson Highlights


Saul (also known as _____________) went to _________________ to persecute Christians
_____________ spoke to Saul/Paul on the Road
Saul becomes a ___________________
God’s plan was for Saul/Paul to go to the _________________
Saul/Paul starts to be persecuted for ____________________





Bible II Unit 4 Lesson 7 Gathering of the Gentiles: Acts 10-12


Learning Goals

Recognize that God prepared Peter to bring the gospel message to the Gentiles   
Explain how the Gospel and the Holy Spirit came upon those Gentiles who gathered with Cornelius in Caesarea 
Evaluate why the Jerusalem church accepted what Peter had done to bring the message of salvation to the Gentiles without them having to convert to Judaism


Background = Read Pg 104-106

During the Old Testament Gentiles (people who were not Jewish) could chose to follow the Jewish religion

The sign or initiation of a man choosing to do this was circumcision and it was basically a way of committing to follow the laws in the Old Testament (all 613 of them) and choosing to only worship the Jewish God

Gentiles who had not converted were considered unclean and the Rabies made a lot of restriction how the Jews could interact with them.


Read Acts 10 – 11:18 and try to fill in the blanks 


An ______________________ visits Cornelius and tells him to send for ________________

Peter is in Joppa and has a __________________________

Peter is _________________________ when Cornelius servants arrive – and he ___________________

Peter goes to Cornelius’ house and _________________________

As he is preaching the _____________________ comes upon the Gentiles

When Peter returns to Jerusalem the believers ____________________________

Peter explains his ____________________ and how the ____________________ came upon them

The Jews realize that God has open the door of __________________ to the Gentiles (without them having to ____________________ to Judaism)



Acts 11: 19-29 (illustrate)
Acts 12: 1-19
Acts 12: 20-25


The Continued Persecution

__________ the Brother of John Becomes the first of the 12 apostles to be _________

Peter is locked up in prison and is rescued by  _____________



Show me what you learned : Quiz next class


Lesson Highlights: You figure them out

Review your notes and star or highlight the most important concepts, then rank them in the order of the most important to the least important.
Compare your notes and the things you have identified with the person next to you

Name: _________________________________ Date: _____________Class: _____________ Score: _____


Bible II Unit 4 Lesson 8: The Roman Empire Awaits; Acts 13-15:35


Learning Goals:

Recall where Paul went on his first missionary journey, who went with him and identify some of the major events of the journey (and make connections with what happened with Peter)
Explain the problem that came up after the first journey, what was done to resolve the problem and what the solution was.


Class work: choose one: illustrate the story, summarize in your own words or make an outline (everyone in the group must do one of the above) Group 1à 13:1-12, Group 2 à 13:13-52, Group 3 à 14:1-28





















Paul’s 1st  Mission Tour; Acts13:1—14:21

Who? à _____________, _____________, & _________________
Where? à ____________________ & ______________________

In Cyprus. à _______________________ & ________________ (governor)
Asia Minor (southern Galatia)

_____________________  (13:13)
Antioch of Pisidian à _________________ & ______________________
In Iconium à _____________________ & __________________
In Lystra and Derbe. à _____________________, __________________, & _______________________



The Council in Jerusalem

What is the problem?






How do they decide to solve it?







What is the solution?






Show Me what you know: Complete Map and questions



Lesson Highlights


Paul, ____________________ & ___________________ all go on the 1st journey
They set out from Antioch and go to _______________________ & _____________________
________________ and ____________________ become believers
They face ____________________________ mostly from the Jews
The council of Jerusalem is called to settle the question of ____________________ 




Bible II Unit 4 Lesson 9:  Beyond Asia Minor (Paul’s 2nd Journey) Acts 15:36-18:22


Learning Goals

Recall where Paul went on his second missionary journey, who went with him and identify some of the major events of the journey
Reflect upon ways that God might be speaking to you and how he might be trying to guide your life




Acts 15:36-16:15

Acts 16:16-40

Acts 17

Acts 18:1-22


Paul’s 2nd  Mission Tour; Acts15:36—18:22

Why? à




Who? à




Where? à




In Asia Minor has a ______________  go to Macedonia


In Philippi: put in jail by Gentiles & rescued by an ______________________
In Thessalonica: ______________________________________
In Athens:  Paul preaches a sermon targeted to Gentiles (1st & 2nd Thessalonians written)
In Corinth: Paul stays for a long time, many Jews believe, some Jews take Paul to court but __________________________________________________________________




Comparison points from Paul’s second Journey



Show Me:

Complete the map and Explain or describe a circumstance in y our life when God might have been trying to guide you (see handout)



Lesson Highlights

Paul & ______________________ go on the 2nd Journey
They want to ____________________ the churches
___________________ & ____________________ join them during the trip
The Holy Spirit directed them to go to _________________________ (Greece)
In Greece many people become believers but they still face persecution mostly from the _______________________________
Many of the places that Paul visits are places he will write _____________________ to (that are books in the Bible)







Bible II Unit 4 Lesson 10: Paul’s 3rd Missionary Journey Acts 18:23-21:16


Learning Goals

Recall where Paul went on his third missionary journey, who went with him and identify some of the major events of the journey
Compare and contrast Paul’s three missionary Journeys


Listen to Acts 19-21:16: Work on filling in Maps or follow along at it is read


Classwork map on third Journy and questions from book Read Pages 107-114

Answer questions: 108 #3, 111 #1 & 2, and 114 #1 & 3


Paul’s 3rd  Mission Tour; Acts18:23—21:16

Why? à



Who? à




Where? à





What Happened?











Show Me what you have learned:

Make a chart to show the similarities and differences between Paul’s 1st, 2nd and 3rd Journey (things to include why, where he went, who went with him, & things that happened to him (4-5 events))


Lesson Highlights

Paul went on the trip to collect __________________ for the poor in Jerusalem
Paul spent some time in ________________ where he is persecuted by the ____________________ (silversmiths)
Paul does many ________________, raises someone from the dead, the _________________ that had touched him healed people.
Paul returned to ______________________________ expecting something bad to happen 

Bible II Unit 4 Lesson 11: Paul’s Arrest and Trials; An Unlikely Path to Rome; Acts 21:17-26:32


Learning Goals

Recall how and why Paul was arrested in Jerusalem.
Recall what happened to him when he was tried before the Governors 
Identify how he used every opportunity to preach the gospel 
Describe how God can use difficult circumstances for his Glory and difficulties  as opportunities 


Imagine and Discuss

You have been arrested and falsely accused of a crime.
How would you feel and what would you be thinking about?
What would you do to try to gain your freedom who would you ask for help and how might they help you?


Class Work: Read or listen to Acts 21:17-22:29

Why is Paul Arrested?
How does Paul try to preach the Gospel to the crowd? (what does he share with them)
What causes the crowd to get mad a Paul? And what does this tell us about the crowd?
Why don’t the Romans beat Paul?

Class Work: Read or listen to Acts 22:30-23:35

What does Paul refer to that causes division between the Sadducees and the Pharisees?
Why is Paul sent to Caesarea?

Paul uses every opportunity to preach the gospel (when he is arrested, on trial, or in prison)

How do you preach the gospel? How did Paul do it?

Come up with a modern example of a way that someone can use a difficult situation to preach about God.


Paul’s Arrest and Trials 

Paul arrested for brining a Gentile into the temple (but he is innocent)
Is tried before the Sanhedrin
Is moved to Caesarea
Tried before the Roman Governor 
Left in prison (because the Governor wants a bribe and wants the Jews happy)
Later tried before the new Governor
Appeals his case to Caesar


Show me what you learned

Choose a format and show me that you know all the learning goals:

Recall how and why Paul was arrested in Jerusalem, what happened to him when he was tried before the Governors and how he used every opportunity to preach the gospel 
Describe how God can use difficult circumstances for his Glory and difficulties  as opportunities 


Lesson Highlights

Paul was ______________________________ at the Temple
He was accused of bringing a ________________________ into the Temple
Paul uses his trials as ___________________________ to preach the gospel
No one can ______________________ what to do with him
Paul appeals to _____________ and has to be taken to _______





Bible II Unit 4 Lesson 12: A Roman Witness Acts 27-28


Learning Goals


Recall Paul’s trip to Rome and some of the key events that happen during it.
Hypothesize why the book of Acts ends the way that it does


Class work Read Acts 27-28 and answer the below questions


How does God demonstrate his protection of Paul? Explain multiple examples from the trip













Has there ever been a time in your life when you experienced God’s protection? If so what happened? If not why don’t you think there hasn’t been one?













What seem strange about the ending of the book of Acts?













Class work Read Pg 118-119 And answer the question on pg 119. Make sure you write the question or answer in complete sentences



























Show Me what you Know:

Summarize or make a comic strip of Paul’s trip to Rome
Explain what is strange about the ending of the book of Acts and hypothesize why it ends the way it does


Lesson Highlights


Paul’s trip to Rome was ____________________________________________
He survived many _________________________________ on the way
God ___________________________________ and ___________________ him along the way
Paul used every opportunity to ______________________________
The book of Acts ends without __________________________________