Santiago Christian School

10th Unit2 Notes

Bible II, Unit 2 Lesson 1: Synoptic Gospels              


Learning Goals:

  • Identity the how and why the book of John is very different from the other Gospels
  • Explain why the synoptic gospels are so similar but still different
  • Present evidence to defend the idea that the gospels are accurate even though they have some differences


The Gospels:

  • Which book has the most unique content?
  • Which book has the least unique content?
  • Why do you think that the gospels have so much content that is the same?


The Synoptic Gospels = “Seeing together” = similar but still different

  • Mathew, Mark, and Luke


Some of the common Material found in the Synoptics

  • Infancy Narrative (not in Mark), Baptism of Jesus, Jesus' Temptation in the Desert, The Disciples sent out on Missions, Teaching in Parables

The Synoptic Problem = Why are they so similar but still different?

  • Answer = literary dependence = _______________________________________
  • How are the Gospels Differences?




  • Why are they Different?




  • How can we explain the Differences?




  • Is the Bible still True and accurate with these differences? Why or Why not?



Problem passages; Genealogy of Jesus = Jesus Family tree (genealogy)

  • Read Matthew 1:2-16 and list the names on the left side of a piece of paper (start with David in vs 6)
  • Then Read Luke 3:21-34 and list the names of the people starting from David in verse 31 going backwards towards verse 21



Genealogy of Jesus

  • Problem = ______________________
  • Could Joseph have had 2 different fathers?


  • Can these accounts be reconciled?


  • What is the context of Luke? (Who does it focus on?)


  • What is the context of Mathew?


  • What did we learn about the social status of women?



  • The list in Matthew = genealogy of Jesus =
  • The list in Luke = genealogy of Jesus =


Can you

  • Identity the how and why the book of John is very different from the other Gospels
  • Explain why the synoptic gospels are so similar but still different
  • Present evidence to defend the idea that the gospels are accurate even though they have some differences


Show me:

  • Write out a summary of the lesson or schedule an interview with the teacher


Lesson Summary:

  • Synoptic Gospels means “seeing together” because the books are both similar and different.
  • Why is John not synoptic? It has many unique stories
  • What is the Synoptic problem? They are so similar but they have differences  
  • Why are they so similar? They copied from each other’s format (which stories to include)
  • Why different? Different authors, focuses and written to different people
  • Are the differences a problem? No because most the differences are easy to explain and others can be explained if you study them




Bible II Unit 2 Lesson 2: The Gospel of Mark; Jesus’ Actions

Learning Goals

  • Identify author, audience, focus, and structure of the book of Mark
  • Explain how we know what the focus is AND how we know that the book was written to the audience that it was written to
  • Understand the importance of our actions and what our actions say about us.
  • Identify the type of leader that Jesus was and how he was different from what the Jewish people were expecting

Focus and structure of the Book

  • Read Mark 1(or listen to it)
  •  What are some of your observations? (Regarding the writing style and what it is emphasized)
  • Focus and structure of the Book = Jesus’ _______________
  • How do we know:                                          
    • Does not have long sermons (speeches) but still has some of Jesus’ teachings


Who Was Mark

  • Acts 12:12 & 25, 13:5,13  & 15:36-39, Col 4:10,&  2 Tim 4:11
  • Who was Mark’s Mother?
  • Who was mark’s Cousin?
  • How did Mark know about Jesus to write what he did?


Author: Mark (or John Mark)



  • Read pg 19 & 20 in your text books and Acts 10:34-43
  • Why do people think that Mark’s Gospel is associated with Peter?
  • Why do people think that it was written to people that were not Jewish?
  • Compare Mark 14:12 with Matthew 26:17
  • What is different about these verses what does that tell us about the audience of the book


Audience= __________________________

  • How do we know?



  • If we did not have any of Jesus teaching and we only knew about his actions:
  • What would we know about Him?
  • Do you agree with the statement actions speak louder than words? Why or why not?
  • Write a reflective paragraph about: What do your actions say about your life?
  • What does it mean to be a good leader?


What kind of a leader were the Jews Expecting?



Unique to the Book of Mark, Mark has very little unique content

  • Read Mark 8:22-26, The story of Blind man cured in Bethsaida
  • What does this story tell us about Jesus and his leadership?
    • He was a servant leader =
    • He did not use his abilities to get attention and promote himself he followed God’s plan
    • What kind of Leader was he?
      • Powerful and Compassionate 
      • Broke social barriers & religious norms
      • Tried to stay on the Down low
      • Faced Resistance (people were against him)
      • Delegates responsibility
      • Taught about His Kingdom



  • In what ways are you a leader now and to who?
  • What kind of a leader are you?
  • What kind of leader do you want to become?


  • Read pages 21-22


Can you: 

  • Identify author, audience, focus, and structure of the book of Mark
  • Explain how we know what the focus is AND how we know that the book was written to the audience that it was written to
  • Understand the importance of our actions and what our actions say about us.
  • Identify the type of leader that Jesus was and how he was different from what the Jewish people were expecting

Show Me: Complete the Mark Godbook page using what you have learned




Bible II Unit 2 Lesson 3: Popularity & Parables

Mark 6:30-56 & Mark 4:1-20, Matthew 13:1-52, Luke 8:1-15

Learning Goals:

  • Analyze the positive and negative aspects of popularity and identify why Jesus became popular
  • Summarize the feeding of the 5000 & Jesus walking on water, identify were they are found, and articulate lessons we can learn and apply to our lives from these stories
  • Recall that a parable is a story with a symbolic meaning, summarize the parable of the sower, identify that is found in the Synoptic Gospels, and explain why Jesus taught in parables



  • Why do people want to be popular?
  • Why do we associate popularity with success?
  • Is popularity good or bad?
  • Read John 12:42-43 & write a Paragraph about what you want to be known for, how you want to be remembered?


When Jesus was popular: Mark 6:1-29

  • Read Mark 6:30-44
  • What is the miracle?
  • What parts of this story remind us of the Old Testament? (See Exodus16 and Ps 23:1-2)
  • What is Jesus trying to teach his disciples by doing it?
  • What can we learn from this story or how can we apply it to our lives?
  • All 4 Gospel have this story = ______________________________


Read Mark 6:45-56

  • What happens to the disciples when they were without Jesus?
  • Why should the disciples not have been afraid OR what did they fail to understand about the loves and fish?
  • How does Jesus identify himself?
  • What can we learn from this story?
  • Matthew, Mark and John have this story _________________________________
  • If Mark’s Gospels is associated with Peter, why would he not include Peter walking on water?

What were Jesus’ Priorities

  • Why does Jesus become popular?
  • Before the 2 miracles people were questioning Jesus identity. What do these miracles teach us about Jesus identity?

Unique story in Mark #2  Mark 7: 31-36


Parables: Mark 4:1-20, Matthew 13:1-52, Luke 8:1-15

What is a Parable?

  • Usually are MORE than just a _____________________________
  • A story with a deeper meaning (symbolic)
  • It is more like a riddle

Why did Jesus teach in Parables? Matthew 13:13


Why would he do that?


  • Remember there were a lot of people that were following Jesus for the show (the miracles) NOT because they wanted to know or follow his teachings.


The Parable of the Sower = Found in Matthew, Mark & Luke

Identify the symbolism

  • The Sower
  • Seeds
  • Bird
  • The path
  • Rocky soil
  • Thorny soil
  • Good soil


Extra Credit Project: Write your own Parable (up to 15 points). It must be your original work!!!!!!!

  • You MUST use symbols and explain them
  • Should be about following Jesus or doing the right things (Does not have to be about Jesus or God)
  • Suggested topics:
    • Peer pressure
    • Helping the poor
    • Not lying
    • Not cheating on a test
    • Being kind to your enemies

Can you:

  • Analyze the positive and negative aspects of popularity and identify why Jesus became popular
  • Summarize the feeding of the 5000 & Jesus walking on water, identify were they are found, and articulate lessons we can learn and apply to our lives from these stories
  • Recall that a parable is a story with a symbolic meaning, summarize the parable of the sower, identify that is found in the Synoptic Gospels, and explain why Jesus taught in parables

Show me

  • Study for a quiz for next class 

Bible II Unit 2 Lesson 4; The Gospel of Matthew (Mathew 1:1-17)


Lesson Goals

  • Identify author, audience, focus, and structure of the book of Matthew
  • Explain how we know what the focus is AND how we know that the book was written to the audience that it was written to
  • Preview the content of the 5 discourses in Matthew

Who was Matthew?



Theme and Message

  • Matthew’s main purpose is to prove by quoting from the Old Testament that Jesus is the Messiah ( Focuses on Jesus’ teachings and how Jesus is connected to the promises). 
  • He quotes the Old Testament extensively (a lot) and uses the phrase “kingdom of heaven” frequently. 
  • How do we know?
  • Quotes extensively from the Old Testament
  • Begins by showing how Jesus has the legal right to be King and why he came from Galilee
  • Does not explain Jewish customs so it was probably written to a mostly Jewish Audience
  • Like the Torah has 5 book Matthew is structured on 5 teachings (discourse) of Jesus


Focus = Jesus’ Teachings “FIVE DISCOURSES IN MATTHEW

  • 1. The Law of the Kingdom = Sermon on the Mount (5-7)
  • 2. Preaching of the Kingdom(chapter 10)
  • 3. Parables of the Kingdom (chapter 13
  • 4. Life in God’s Kingdom (chapter 18)
  • 5. The Future Kingdom =The end of the world (chapter 24-25)


Group Work (pick one)

  • 1. Make a PowerPoint (5-7)
  • 2. make a song or poem (chapter 10)
  • 3. Illustrate (chapter 13:24-52)
  • 4. Act – make a modern skit (18)
  • 5. Write a reflection (24-25)”


What do these passages tell us about the Kingdom of God?

  • Isaiah 2: 1-5
    • Jerusalem will _______________________________
  • Isaiah 11:1-10
    • Justice will ___________________________________ __________
  • Jeremiah 23:5-6
    • A king _________________________
  • Isaiah 61:1
    • Good news _____________________________


Can you:

  • Identify author, audience, focus, and structure of the book of Matthew
  • Explain how we know what the focus is AND how we know that the book was written to the audience that it was written to
  • Give a general overview of the content of the 5 discourses in Matthew


Show Me:

  • Complete the Matthew Godbook page using what you have learned



Lesson Summary

  • Matthew’s gospel was written to a Jewish audience.
  • Matthew was one of the 12 Apostles and had been a tax collector
  • Matthew quotes the most from the Old Testament
  • Matthew focuses on Jesus’ teachings and has #5 of them in this book.


Bible II Unit 2 Lesson 5 The Sermon on the Mount; The Law of the Kingdom; Matthew 5-7


Learning Goals

  • Identify the message and key themes in the Sermon on the Mount
  • Compare and contrast God’s standards with the worlds

What comes to mind when you or someone talks about a person who is blessed. 


Main Theme of the Sermon

  • The Law of the Kingdom
  • The Jews based their identity upon the Law of Moses (the Torah) and believed that they could be saved by being good and keeping the Law
  • Jesus give his followers some ideals to strive for but his main purpose is to change the way that they see life and for them to realize the purpose of the Law.
  • The purpose of the Law was to show us that we are sinners and need someone to save us


The Beatitudes: Why can we be happy when things are bad?

  • When you are stressed out and overloaded with homework
  • When you lose your iphone  or your boyfriend or girl friend breaks up with you.
  • When you have unanswered spiritual questions
  • When you forgive someone who does not deserve it 
  • When you do what is right when no one sees
  • When you help others get along
  • When people make fun of you for doing the right thing
  • When people mock you for being a follower of Jesus


Salt and Light: We are called for a purpose, what is that purpose?



Jesus and the Law of Moses


Purpose of the sermon 

  • It is not a list of things to do to go to heaven; rather it is to show us that we need Jesus because we can’t be good enough
  • It gives us things that we should want to do and try apply to our lives once we decide to be a part of his kingdom
  • Teach us that there is more to life than what we see (or to see life differently)


Outline of the message

  • Have a different attitude about life 
  • Live for the King and let it be known
  • The heart of the rules
    • Hatred, lust, divorce, promises, revenge & enemies, helping others, prayer & fasting, materialism, and judging others
  • Be wise and chose Jesus and it will show


Show Me that you know the Lesson Goals:

  • Work with a partner or by yourself and pick one to do: Make a song or poem, a series of illustrations with captions, or a modern (Dominican) version of the sermo

Use the outline of the message to address the major themes and remember to contrast them with what the world says

  • Attitude about life and its struggles
  • The purpose of life 
  • How to live our life
  • Hatred, lust, divorce, promises, revenge & enemies, helping others, prayer, materialism, and judging others


Lesson Summary

  • The _______ on the mount is the first of the 5 discourses in Matthew
  • It teaches the new _____ of the Kingdom
  • Jesus shows us how to see life from a different ___________
  • Jesus’ sermon shows how _____ we are and how our _______ along with our _____ are accountable to God






Bible II Unit 2 Lesson 6; The Mission: Preaching of the Kingdom ; Matthew 10:5-42


Learning Goals

  • Explain the difference between a disciple and an Apostle
  • Identify the Kingdom of Heaven and how to be a part of it
  • Recall the mission that Jesus gave to his followers and identify how Jesus followers today need to live out that mission


Disciple or Apostle


An Apostle was someone who was given ___________ to represent ____________


The Disciples First Mission: Read Matthew 10:5-42

  • What is an apostle?
  • How did Jesus prepare the disciples for their mission?
  • Why do you think that Jesus told his disciples to only go to the Jews?
  • Based on Chapter 10 what does it mean to be a disciple?


The Kingdom of Heaven

  • What is the kingdom of Heaven?


Our Mission in Life

  • Live for the King
    • 2 Corinthians 5:18-20
  • Share the Gospel
    • Matthew 28: 16-20 = the great commission


Show me:

Study for quiz


Lesson Highlights

  • Jesus’ 2nd discourse (the Preaching of the Kingdom) _______ his followers to preach the gospel and warned them about the ____ of being his follower.
  • As Jesus’ followers we all have a _______ to live for him and we should _________ difficulties.
  • The Kingdom of Heaven is not a ______ it is the ________ following Jesus.





Bible II Unit 2 Lesson 7; Parables of the Kingdom (Matthew 13) & Life in God’s Kingdom (Matthew 18)

Learning Goals

  • Identify the Kingdom of Heaven as the Church, and explain how Christians are to treat each other with humility, and forgiveness.
  • Identify and recall the unique parables in Matthew (the weeds and the unforgiving servant)


What is the Church?


Parables of the Kingdom (church)

Read Matthew 13: 24-47 What do the parables say about the church?

  • Parable of the weeds
  • Parable of the mustard seed and yeast
  • Parable of the hidden Treasure and pearl
  • Parable of the net


Parables of the Kingdom (church)

  • The Kingdom parables are the 3rd discourse in the book of Matthew.
  • The Parable of the weeds is only found in Matthew


Life in God’s Kingdom (Matthew 18)

  • Life in God’s Kingdom is the 4th discourse in the book of Matthew
  • The Parable of the unforgiving servant is only found in Matthew


Living in God’s Kingdom; How to get along with others



Be Humble: Listen to Matthew 18:1-14 from Faith Comes By hearing 

  • What example of humility does Jesus use?
  • What can we learn from this example?


Resolve Differences: Listen to Matthew 18:15-20 from Faith comes by hearing

  • If you have a problem with someone how dose Jesus say to solve it?
  • Why is it important to work through problems that we have with people?


Forgiveness: Listen to Matthew 18:21-35

  • How many times does Jesus say that we should forgive someone?
  • Do you have to forgive people who don’t ask for forgiveness? Why or why not?


Only found in Matthew The parable of the ____________________________


Application: Write a reflective paragraph on one of today's topics

  • Humility
  • Resolving Differences
  • Forgiveness 


Show Me: 

  • Come up with a modern example or analogy for the Kingdom of Heaven (the Church) and explain it


  • Make a poster or wordle to show how followers of Jesus need to treat each other 


Lesson Highlights

  • The Kingdom of Heaven is the ________  and the church is the _________ of God (Christians).
  • In the 3rd discourse Jesus teaches in ______ to test his followers, to explain that not all who ____ they are Christians are, and that it is ____ it to be a one.
  • In the 4th discourse Jesus explains how Christians need to treat each other, as part of God’s kingdom we need to be _______, be Able to resolve _____,and be __________
  • The parables of the _________________  and the ______ are only found in Matthew.




Bible II Unit 2 Lesson 8; Eschatology: The Future Kingdom Matthew 24:1-25:46


Learning Goals

  • Identify the term Eschatology
  • Recall the parables of the talents, the 10 Virgins and the sheep and the goats, and that they are found in Matthew
  • Recall that Jesus could come back at anytime and that we need to be read by living for him by using the gifts he has giving us.




The study of the End of the world = _________________________________


Read Matthew 24

What are the signs of Jesus’ second coming?

How will we know when he comes?



Jesus’ Return: Key Points

  • We don’t know when it will happen
  • Many will try to _________
  • When it happens it will take people by _______
  • When it happens ____________ will know


Only in Matthew

  • Parable of the 10 virgins
  • Parable of the talents
  • Sheep and the goats: Those who helped the weak


Show Me:

Study for quiz over all of unit 2 up to this point (quest)


Lesson Highlights

  • Jesus’ 5th discourse was about His _________
  • There will be ______ before He comes back & when he does _________ will know about it.
  • He tells us to be ______ for it by living for Him and using the _______ we have been given.
  • He tells __ stories to illustrate his point that are only found in Matthew (know the stories)
  • The 10 _____, Talents, and the _____ and the goats



Bible II Unit 2 Lesson 9: The Gospel of Luke; Luke 1-4 The Birth & Temptation of Jesus


Learning Goals

  • Identify author, audience, focus, and structure of the book of Luke
  • Explain how we know what the focus is
  • Identify some of the unique stories in the book of Luke and explain how they relate to his focus
  • Recall how Jesus overcame temptation and apply his methods to modern struggles that teens deal with


What would it be like?

  • Imagine that Jesus has not yet come and one of your friends who was engaged got pregnant and told you that it was though the power of the Holy Spirit.Write about how you would respond to her as well as others at school.


  • Imagine that you are either Mary or Joseph and that Jesus’ coming happened during modern times. Write about the difficulties that you would face from your parents, friends, etc … and what it would be like to trust in God through them


Who Was Luke?

  • A  _____________ And   a Gentile  (not _________)
  • A loyal friend & companion of Paul on during his travels 


Who was it Written to?

  • Luke 1:3 àto ________________


 Focuses on Jesus' humanity

  • How do we know?



How is it structured?


Jesus Birth

  • With a partner list as many facts about Jesus birth that you can remember



  • Check your list See Matthew 1 & 2  and Luke 1 & 2



Jesus Birth

  • The Story of Jesus’ Birth is found in both ___________________ & ________________

Main Ideas from Stories:   

  • Luke 1:56-80


  • Luke 2: 21- 40



  • Luke 2:41-51


Some of the Unique things to the Book of Luke

  • The birth of John the Baptist
  • Gabriel appearing to Mary
  • Baby Jesus circumcised at the Temple
  • Jesus as a little boy visiting the temple
  • The story of Jesus at Mary and Martha's house


The Temptation of Jesus

  • Found in ________________________________  Gospels (but Mark does not say what happens)



  • Brain storm in your group various things that you and your peers are being tempted to do that are wrong (leave some space between them)


 Bible Verses on Temptation

  • 1 Cor 10: 13


  • James 1:13-15


  • James 4: 7


Jesus’ Temptation vs. Eve’s

  • Compare Luke 4:1-13 with Gen 3:1-7. What are the similarities in the temptations (how did Satan try to tempt them)
  • How is Jesus’ response different than Eve’s (what do they say and what does it show us about them)
  • What are some strategies we can learn about resisting temptation



  • In your groups come up with some specific strategies to avoid the temptations you listed earlier


Show me that you learned the lesson Goals:

  • Complete the God book on Luke


Lesson Highlights

  • Luke was a ______& a _______ and he traveled with  _______
  • Luke wrote his gospel to  ___________  
  • He focused on Jesus’ ____________
  • The book is structured by ___________
  • It is the only book that has the birth of _________ __________
  • It tells the story of Jesus birth from __________ perspective.
  • It is the only book that has a story about Jesus as a ________
  • Satan misused ________ when he tempted Jesus that is why we need to _______ the scriptures





Bible II Unit 2 Lesson 10: Jesus Lord of all; Good news for all people 


Learning Goals

  • Understand the importance of followers of Jesus to address social problems and issues like Jesus did
  • Identify some of the unique stories in Luke and explain how they show Jesus concern and help for the rejected and abused people of his time
  • Follow Jesus’ example and work to make the world a better place for everyone


Social Justice

  • The idea that people from all parts of a society have equal rights and opportunities and that the government provides services to all. It also includes the idea that the week are not abused or taken advantage of and that companies and business don’t do things that will harm the people that live by them or work for them.

Social Injustices 

  • In your groups come up with some of the social justice issues that are effecting our community
  • Discuss what you think should be done about them and what you can do about them

Injustice during Jesus’ time

  • Work in your groups to come up with some of the social injustices that were going on during Jesus times.


Jesus’ Interactions with Women

  • Class work: Read the below passages from Luke and for each of them identify the 1.women that Jesus interacts with, 2. how does he help them, 3.what do they do for him, AND pick one of them and write a reflection on what you can learn or apply to your life from the story:
  1. Luke7:11-17
  2. Luke7:36-50
  3. Luke 8:1-3
  4. Luke10:38-42


Luke has more info on the women who followed Jesus



Jesus heals the ________________  7:11-17  (only in Luke)

A woman who washes Jesus’ __________ 7:36-50 (found in all 4)

A list of women who were following Jesus and paying for his ministry, Luke 8:1-3

The story of ___________ & Martha feeding Jesus, Luke 10:38-42 (only in Luke)


What do these stories teach us about social justice?

  • Class Work: Read your story in your group and answer the above question. Also pick someone to be the missionary who can share the story with the other groups
  1. Read Luke 10:29-37
  2. Read Luke 16:19-31
  3. Read Luke 19:1-10

The Story of the Good Samaritan, Luke 10:29-37

What does this parable teach us about social justice?



The Story of the Rich Man and Lazarus, Luke 16:19-31

What does this parable teach us about social justice?




The Story of Zacchaeus, Read Luke 19:1-10

How does Zacchaeus address social justice?




Stories only in Luke



Show Me:

Work with a partner to make a brochure or short video that shows the following:

  • Jesus examples of dealing with social injustice
    • At least 3 (and make sure you explain them)
  • one modern issue or problem in the world today
    • Make sure you explain it and have some good facts about it (ALWAYS cite sources in MLA)



Lesson Highlights  

In Luke we learn more about the ________ that followed Jesus

The  story of Jesus at ______ and _________’s house is only found in Luke

The parable of the Good ____________, the Rich Man and __________, and the story of __________ are all ____ found in Luke and teach us about how ________ addressed the _______ injustices of his time

