Santiago Christian School

11th Unit 4 Notes

Bible III Unit 4 Lesson 1: Martin Luther; Chapter 21-22 (1517-1521)


Learning Goals

Identify how and in what way Martin Luther became part of the Catholic Church, why and how he became frustrated with the abuses of the Church, What things he identified as needing reform, what he did to try to bring reform (including why his ideas spread so quickly), how his actions were received by the Church and his response to their reaction, why he was given a change to recant before the Emperor (including what that event was called) and what his response was, and finally why he was not executed as a heretic. 
Explain why The Reformation was able to take place when it did.
Evaluate Luther’s doctrine of Free Grace


Class work: Reform: Work in groups to identify something a SCS that needs reform

Develop a written rational

A well written explanation of the problem, why it is wrong (make a convincing argument) and how it needs to be change.

Develop a plan

Who has the power to change the issue, what things can you do to try to convince them, who will be opposed to it and what can you do to try to overcome any opposition.


Penance is part of receiving _________________________

A __________________ or work that is required after confession to satisfy or release them from the punishment of Purgatory
A big focus of the Church in Middle Ages 
A key part of being forgiven and getting out of __________________________________
They could be done for themselves and for ____________ relatives


Does the Catholic Church practice penance today?

When you sin does it make you feel better if you do something to make up for it?


Indulgences is being _________________ without having to do penance

In 1500’s the _____________ of indulgences became a major source of income for the  Church
Basically the Church was selling forgiveness

Bible Verses

Verses on Penance and Indulgences

1Cor 5:1-5
2Cor 2: 5-11

Verses on Forgiveness

John 20:23 and 1 John 1:5-10
Hebrews 10:8-14 and Hebrews 4:16
Acts 8: 20-24 and 1st Timothy 2:5


Class work: Luther Movie

List 4 to 5 of the events that had a major impact on the life of Luther and explain how they impacted him.
When Luther is on trial he says that he will only recant if he is proved wrong by what?
Explain why was Luther not killed as a heretic like the others who had taught similar things before him?


Homework Luther Webquest : See worksheet for exploring the PBS site on Luther


Luther’s Life:

Luther’s Early Life

Gave up his career (Lawyer) to become a ________________
Became a _________________ & a professor
Visited ________________ & lived a life of strict ____________________

His Conversion

He believe that he had to earn _________________
He began to study the __________________
Romans had a profound impact on him (specifically Romans 1:17)
Realized that we are saved by _______________ not our actions

Free Grace: Justification by faith alone

Romans 1:17 “For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed,  righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith."
Justification by faith alone = ________________________________________


Class work: Compare and contrast Romans 4 vs. James 2:14-26


Luther’s Blog 

He posts his _____________________ on the Church door which attacked the sale of indulgences
It rapidly spreads all over Europe and virtually ________________ the sale of indulgences
Why does it spread so fast ?


The Reformation was a movement that began to change the Church not to break away from it

The 4 Key Parts:

The Bible should be the only source for doctrine (not tradition)
The priesthood of all believers  = __________________________________
The church should be a community = __________________________________
Everyone should be able to read Scripture (Bible Translation)




The Church Reacts

The pope tries to ___________________ Luther

Luther refuses to _________________ or go to the Rome
The pope issues a bull supporting _________________ and condemning those who attack them
Luther agrees to stop attacking indulgences if Tetzel stops _________________ them but nothing happens


The Leipzig Debate

Luther begins to attack the ________________ of the Pope
Luther is challenged to a debate with Eck
Luther wins the debate (gains followers)
But he says that some of _____________________ ideas were correct (associates himself with a condemned heretic)


The Results of the Debate

Luther is __________________ & his teachings are condemned as heresy 
Luther then attacks the pope and calls him the _________________________
The pope tries to use the Emperor to silence Luther à and he summons Luther to the Diet of Worms


The Diet of worms 

Luther defends himself and says that he will not ____________ unless it is proven from scripture that he is wrong
After they plan on killing Luther but he is saved by Fredrick the Wise


The Lutheran Church

Luther’s followers make their own _________________ which becomes the Lutheran Church

The Luther church allows its leaders to get married and Luther marries _________________

The leaders of Germany get the freedom to _____________ which Church they want



Show Me

Study For Quiz


Lesson Highlights  

Luther (a Catholic Priest)  spoke out against the sale of ____________________ and taught that we are saved by ____________ alone not by our works
His actions cause many others to speak out and began the _______________ (know the 4 key things)
The Catholic Church tries to ______________ Luther but they cannot because his ideas spread too fast and the leader of Germany protects him
Luther is _________________ as a heretic but the church is unable to arrest and kill him.
He is given an opportunity to ______________ but refuses. His followers break off from the Catholic Church and begin the Lutheran Church



Bible III Unit 4 Lesson 2: Roman Catholic Vs. Lutheran


Learning Goals:

Identify and explain the key different that Protestants and Catholics have in determining doctrine
Compare and contrast the differences between the Roman Catholic and the Lutheran Church in the following areas: what is Scripture, how do you get salvation, Church leadership, the purpose of baptism and communion, and other defining or unique beliefs


Doctrines à

Main areas that Churches are different

Key Beliefs – how we receive salvation, etc…
Type of leadership
Forms and types of worship
How are the Sacraments given


Show Me: Write an Essay

In your own words explain the differences and similarities  between the Catholic and Lutheran traditions. Make sure you include the following:

What they view as Scripture and how to understand it
How one receives salvation
The purpose and meaning of baptism and communion
How the church is administered



Lesson Highlights

Different churches (denominations) usually are different in their key                              , their style of                 , and how they                                       .
Key beliefs often differ in these main areas: what determines            , how we receive                        , what the                                        ______                ____ mean, and how the church should be lead.
Luther’s followers established the Lutheran Church
Key characteristic of the Luther church:
S                                  alone, F                            alone, G                        alone (predestination)




How are we saved



Catholic View: A ________________ that Requires ________________ and ______________________


“The Council of Trent describes the process of salvation from sin in the case of an adult with great minuteness (Sess. VI, v-vi).  It begins with the grace of God which touches a sinner's heart, and calls him to repentance. This grace cannot be merited; it proceeds solely from the love and mercy of God. Man may receive or reject this inspiration of God, he may turn to God or remain in sin. Grace does not constrain man's free will.  Thus assisted the sinner is disposed for salvation from sin; he believes in the revelation and promises of God, he fears God's justice, hopes in his mercy, trusts that God will be merciful to him for Christ's sake, begins to love God as the source of all justice, hates and detests his sins.  This disposition is followed by justification itself, which consists not in the mere remission of sins, but in the sanctification and renewal of the inner man by the voluntary reception of God's grace and gifts, whence a man becomes just instead of unjust, a friend instead of a foe and so an heir according to hope of eternal life. This change happens either by reason of a perfect act of charity elicited by a well disposed sinner or by virtue of the Sacrament either of Baptism or of Penance according to the condition of the respective subject laden with sin. The Council further indicates the causes of this change. By the merit of the Most Holy Passion through the Holy Spirit, the charity of God is shed abroad in the hearts of those who are justified.” (Mass)


Lutheran View: By ________ through ___________ alone NOT by ____________


“Lutherans believe that salvation was made possible 100% by the work of Jesus Christ.  This gives rise to the Lutheran phrase "Christ alone!". Lutherans believe that we are saved by God's mercy and forgiveness and not by works of righteousness to atone for our past or even by a personal action of deciding to follow Jesus.  Rather, the work is entirely God's.  This gives rise to the Lutheran phrase of ‘Grace alone!’” (Rev. David D. Reedy, 2005 – 2008)


The Sacraments Baptism


Catholic View:  Removes _________________________ (needed for salvation)


Code of Cannon Law BAPTISM (Cann. 849 - 878)

“Can.  849 Baptism, the gateway to the sacraments and necessary for salvation by actual reception or at least by desire, is validly conferred only by a washing of true water with the proper form of words. Through baptism men and women are freed from sin, are reborn as children of God, and, configured to Christ by an indelible character, are incorporated into the Church.” (Copyright © Libreria Editrice Vaticana)

The Sacraments Baptism  


Lutheran View : A ___________ of God to give us ______________  (expected of all believers)


“To be sure, faith alone is the instrument by which we receive the salvation won by Christ. But the Gospel and sacraments (Baptism and the Lord's Supper) are God's instruments through which He engenders [creates] saving faith in us--indeed, a miracle. Thus, there is no contradiction between saying faith alone saves, but that this faith comes to us through means or vehicles. (Eph. 3:6).” (The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.)





The Sacraments Lord’s Supper


Catholic View: A continual __________________ of Jesus needed for the life of the Church (an obligation)


Code of Cannon Law THE MOST HOLY EUCHARIST (Cann. 897 - 958)

“Can.  897 The most August sacrament is the Most Holy Eucharist in which Christ the Lord himself is contained, offered, and received and by which the Church continually lives and grows. The eucharistic sacrifice, the memorial of the death and resurrection of the Lord, in which the sacrifice of the cross is perpetuated through the ages is the summit and source of all worship and Christian life, which signifies and effects the unity of the People of God and brings about the building up of the body of Christ. Indeed, the other sacraments and all the ecclesiastical works of the apostolate are closely connected with the Most Holy Eucharist and ordered to it.

Can.  898 The Christian faithful are to hold the Most Holy Eucharist in highest honor, taking an active part in the celebration of the most august sacrifice, receiving this sacrament most devoutly and frequently, and worshiping it with the highest adoration. In explaining the doctrine about this sacrament, pastors of souls are to teach the faithful diligently about this obligation.”(Copyright © Libreria Editrice Vaticana)


Lutheran View : Christ _________________ but not a sacrifice _______________ forgiveness


“Lutherans have rejected any understanding of the Lord's Supper as a sacrificial act on our part, holding that it is purely God's gift through which He acts to impart His forgiveness and strength to communicants. With respect to Baptists, usually Baptists understanding the Lord's Supper as a symbolic act, including the elements of bread and wine as symbolizing Christ's presence--in contrast to the Lutheran position that Christ's true body and blood are present in, with, and under the external elements of bread and wine.”(The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.)



Bible III Unit 4 Lesson 3: The Presbyterian & Reformed Tradition


Learning Goals

Recall the origin and history of the Presbyterian/Reformed Tradition
Identify John Calvin and his role in the Reformation
Evaluate the doctrine of Predestination and the different views of it 


Is everything planned out?

Do you believe in destiny or fate?



John Calvin

One of the key leaders of the Reformation in _________________________
Wrote the Institutes of Christian Religion

One of the most important books of the Reformation 

Developed the theology of ___________________________
Emphasizes the _________________________ of God

Which means that God makes all the choices  



T – Total depravity

Everything we do (even good things ) is are _______________________

U – Unconditional election 

only ____________________ not based on anything they have done

L – Limited atonement =

Jesus only paid for believers sins

I – Irresistible grace =

If God choses you, you cannot _______________________

P – Perseverance of the saints

The chosen ones will go all the way



God Chose us

Romans 8: 29-9:23
Eph 1: 4-11

We have to choose God

Romans 10: 9-17
1 Peter 4:3
1 Cor 7:37
2 Peter 1:21




Predestination: All Christians agree that God has plan

Some focus more on free will


Other focus more on God’s Sovereignty



Why Didn’t Calvin become a Lutheran?

They disagreed on some things like Church leadership:

Luther à followed more of the Catholic module (leaders picking leaders) with only one leader per church
Calvin à


Class work: Complete the chart on the Presbyterian & Reformed Tradition


Some key things about these types of Christians:

Focuses on the Sovereignty of God


We can only respond to God’s call
Our faith should be a part of our everyday life and Christians should be out in the world
No division between the Secular and the Sacred



Different forms and expressions

There have been and are many different types and expressions of this tradition that have differences


Show Me: Study for a quiz that will be over lesson 3 and 4 


Lesson Highlights


John ______________ was one of the leaders of the Reformation in Switzerland. He started the _______________ & _____________ Tradition. He wrote the Institutes of the Christian Religion and focused on God being in control of all things even our _______________________.
He had some different view about God and how the Church should be led than Luther so he did not become a Lutheran
Many churches or ______________________ came from various leaders of the reformation because not all the leaders of the reformation agreed with each other
They are many different expressions and forms of the Presbyterian & Reformed Tradition but they all relate some way back to ____________ and have some similar characteristics





Bible III Unit 4 Lesson 4: The Episcopal/Anglican Tradition


Learning Goals

Identify how and why the Anglican / Episcopal church began and some of the defining aspects of this tradition
Compare and contrast the Episcopal/Anglican Tradition with other Christian denominations


Henry VIII: History and overview of Anglican Church




Key People

William Tyndale (reformer)



Henry the 8th (rebel)



What this church Believes

The Bible, Tradition and __________
The Bible is the _____________
Tradition ___________ Scripture
Reason answer the questions _______________________________


Class work Part 1: If you could make your own Church

What would the building look like
Modern or traditional, fancy or simple
What technology would you use
What kind of music would you have
How would you want the leaders to be chosen and what expectations would you have of them
What else would be important for your church?


What Is Anglicanism?


Class work part 2: complete the Chart 


Show me what you know:

Study for Quiz that will be over lesson 3 and 4 


Lesson Highlights

Tyndale was an ____________________ reformer who re-translated the Bible
_______________ VIII started the Anglican church
They focus on the Bible, __________________ and Reason
The leadership and _____________ of the Anglican/Episcopal church  are done like the __________   


Bible III Unit 4 Lesson 5; The Anabaptist


Learning Goals

Identify some of the defining aspects of the Anabaptist tradition and its contributions to Christianity
Recall some of the different modern forms of this tradition
Compare and contrast this Tradition with other Christian denominations


Class work: Read the Article and answer the answer these questions (do on a separate paper)

What is their view of the Church and State?
Why were they called Anabaptist?
What are the 4 main groups that came from this movement and what distinguishes them from each other?



Began independently during the Reformation (1500)
Key contributions to Christianity:

______________ baptism

You should not baptize infants – only believers

Personal _______________
Separation of Church and State = _____________________________

Radical ideas (characteristics) :

Christians are not to take part in the __________________________
Pacifists – don’t believe in going to war


Believers Baptism


Different Ideas about the Bible as God’s word

  • Inerrant
    • Everything __________: not just stuff about God but about science and history too
  • Infallible
    • True in _____________ but some things might be missing or left out or inaccurate regarding science and history
  • Truth for Salvation
    • Only true regarding how we can get ______________ 
  • Truth about Jesus
    • Only true when it comes to things about ___________


Show me what you learned:

Compare and contrast the Anabaptist view on baptism with Lutheran and Catholic traditions
Explain some of the positive and negative aspects of the Amish way of life
Hypothesis as to why most modern forms of Christianity put an emphasis on personal salvation


Lesson Highlights

Where the Anabaptists come from?



What are their main characteristics?




What did they contribute to Christianity?




Name: _____________________________ Date: ______________ Class: _____________ Score: _______


Bible Unit 4 Lesson 6 The Counter Reformation & the Conflict Ch 29 & 30, 1545-1648

Learning Goals

Understand and identify key Elements of the counter Reformation
Explain why the Protestants were not able to take over Europe. 
Identify and explain the contributions of Loyola to the Counter Reformation
Explain the Spanish Inquisition
Identify and explain some of the examples of the violence between Catholics and Protestants including the number of people that were killed.
Identify the geographical boundaries of the Catholic and Protestant groups by the end of the 1500’s


The Need for Reform

Even before the Protestant reformation many people in the Catholic church wanted reform
Remember the Lateral council that put limits on the sale of indulgences
The church again had become very secular and controlled by the state
Remember the Babylonian Captivity and the Schism of 1349


Why didn’t everyone become Protestants? Read point 2 on page 236-237 and identify and explain the 4 reason why








The Counter Reformation = The Catholic ________________________________

The Council of Trent
The Spanish Inquisition
The Jesuits

The Council of Trent

A direct response to the ___________________________________ that articulated or officially established certain Catholic ______________ that were opposed to the Protestants


Charles V wanted to try to reunite Protestants and Catholics. He tried many times to get them to work out their differences. The Pope called the council to counter the Protestant Reformation
What it did: formed a Creed for the Roman Catholic Church that clearly defined their doctrine vs. Protestant doctrines and made provisions to better educate the clergy. Also it clearly established or reaffirmed that the Pope was the supreme leader of the Roman Catholic Church and that it was the only true Church


The Spanish Inquisition The “Holy Office”

The justice system set up to catch, try and_____________________________  (protestants)
The ___________________ Inquisition was new efforts put into the existing practice of the inquisition


The Jesuits

A _____________ order = The Society of Jesus
Founded by _____________  and Xavier
__________________ for the Catholic Church who got back parts of Europe and did extensive missionary work in the Americas


Question:  "Catholic vs. Protestant - why is there so much animosity?"

The Conflict

Class work: Read pg 240-244 and write a description of each one of the events including What happened, where, and how many people were killed

St. Bartholomew’s massacre




The Spanish Inquisition in the Netherlands




The 30 years’ War




The Church becomes fixed to geographical boundaries

What countries were Catholic:



What Countries were Lutheran:



What countries were Anglican:



What countries were Calvinists: 



Show me what you know: choose a format and explain the learning goals

Understand and identify key Elements of the counter Reformation
Explain why the Protestants were not able to take over Europe. 
Identify and explain the contributions of Loyola to the Counter Reformation
Explain the Spanish Inquisition
Identify and explain some of the examples of the violence between Catholics and Protestants including the number of people that were killed.
Identify the geographical boundaries of the Catholic and Protestant groups by the end of the 1500’s


Modern Catholic Reform

Vatican II Council 1962


Lesson Highlights

The _______________________ Reformation was the Catholic response to the Reformation

There were 3 main part to it the  Council of ________________, the Spanish _____________, and the Jesuits

There have been centuries of violence between Catholics and Protestants (be able to identify some of the specific events)

 Countries  chose their religion and the church denominations become divide by these countries