Santiago Christian School

11th Projects

Show Me what you Learned Assessments 


These count in the 60% Mastery of the Material (demonstrating that you understand and can use the material) section of your grade.



Excellent: 90-100% A

Demonstrates depth of understanding and knowledge of learning goals (including the key details)
Formats and organizes the information in a neat and organized way that excellently communicates and expresses the information
Demonstrates ownership if the information by explain concepts in your own style and expression, being creative, making meaningful connections, and applying it to bigger concepts.


Good: 80-89% B

Demonstrates understanding and knowledge of learning goals (including the key details)
Formats and organizes the information in a neat and organized way that clearly communicates and expresses the information
Demonstrates ownership of the information by explain concepts in your own style, making meaningful connections, or applying it to bigger concepts.

Acceptable: 70-79% C

Demonstrates understanding and knowledge of learning goals (including the key details)
Formats and organizes the information in a neat and organized way that clearly communicates and expresses the information
Demonstrates ownership of the information by explain concepts in your own words


Insufficient: 0-69% F

Does not demonstrate understanding and/or knowledge of learning goals (leave out key details)
Formats and organizes the information in a way that fails to communicate and expresses the information (If I cannot read or understand your information because of the format)
Shows no ownership of the information because concepts and ideas are not explained in your own words


How you will be Scored

Understanding of learning goals including the key details (50% of project grade)
Format and organization of the information (15 % of project grade)
Ownership if the information (35 % of project grade)

Helpful Links for MLA Citation:


Helpful Links for Research: