Santiago Christian School

11th Unit 3 Notes

Bible III Unit 3 Lesson 1: The Crusades; 1096-1291


Learning Goals:

  Identify & explain what the crusades were & when, why and how the crusades began

Explain the reasons why people went on the crusades

Identify the importance of knowing the Truth so that you are not lead astray

 Be able to identify some of the key people and major events of the first 4 crusades.

Identify and distinguish some of the short and long term effects of the crusades.


The Setting

__________ Muslims first conquered the Holy Land but they still allowed Christian Pilgrims
Seljuk _________  (also Muslims) conquered the Arabs (11th century) and were hostile towards the Christians
The Turks then attacked what remained of the ____________ Empire (who asked the west for help)

Pope Urban II

What he Wanted: heal the __________ (by having the East see him as their spiritual leader) and retake the Holy Land
How he motivated:

Promised a ____________ period of time in Purgatory for all who would _____________
Promised a direct ticket to ___________ (no time in Purgatory) for all who ____________ on the Crusade

The First Crusade

Began in 1096 (11th Century)

Only ________________ one: Recaptured Jerusalem & started a number of Crusader Kingdoms
Key Leader: __________________________________________________

The Other Crusades

Most historians say that there were _____ total over a period of ___________ years
In the End they failed Palestine would fall to the Turks and remain in their control until the end of WWI in 1918
2nd in 1147 –intended to strengthen the Kingdom of Jerusalem but it failed and _________________ was recaptured by the Muslims (by Saladin)
3rd in 1187 – intended to get Jerusalem back from Saladin (failed but ____________ access granted)
4th in 1198 – The Crusaders plunder ________________________  (the very city that 100 years early had asked for their help)

Why did people go on Crusades?

They truly believed that it was what God wanted and that it could help them both ______________ and _______________

Spiritual: ______________________ = Less or no suffering when you died
Physical: ______________ and ____________________

Why Did the Crusades Fail?

1. Lack of _________________________
2. _______________ tactics and strategy
3. Lack of geographical knowledge.
4. Bad Relations with the ________________________ Emperor
5. Difficulties in maintaining supplies
6. Did not connect with the _________________________ 

ShowMe: Study for a quiz

Lesson Highlights

The crusades were a ______________ of wars (8) to gain control of ____________, that took place over 200 years.
The _______________ rise to power was the main cause of the crusades
Pope Urban II got a letter from the Byzantine emperor and as a result promised all who __________ less time in Purgatory and all who _____________ a direct ticket to heaven
The 1st crusade was the only one that was a _________________ and for a short time increased the power of the church
The complete failure of them was evident when the _______________ sacked Constantinople on the 4th crusade.
The crusades brought about many long term ______________ in Europe that would eventually lead to the renaissance 


Bible III Unit 3 Lesson 2: The Power of the Church & Its Orders

Learning goals:

•         Recognize the further development of Monasticism into orders.

•         Identify and explain the Franciscans, Dominicans and military orders

•         Recall how the political power of the Church grew with the Crusades and its orders, the problems that developed and some of the positive attempts at reform

The Power of the Church

The Crusades at first ___________________  the power of the Church.
Pope Innocent III,  13th Century (1200s)


The Lateran Council = An attempt to _____________  Church corruption

–        Good: restricted the granting of indulgences  for $

–        Bad: called for the punishment of all unrepentant heretics  (inquisition) 

•         Indulgences

–        The Church’s ability to grant ___________________________

In the Middle Ages it was associated with getting less time in purgatory
You could get forgiven for a donation


What was a monastic Order? _______________________________________________________
The Mendicant (begging) Orders = The Dominicans & The Franciscans
Begging Monks = _________________________________________________
Most were friars (brothers)  not priests
Dominican Order

From ________________________________________________
________________________  & taught in Universities

–        Promoted the Crusades & Inquisition (punishment of heretics)

Franciscan Order

Started by St Francis of Assisi
A wealthy man that converted and took up a life of extreme poverty to help the poor and preach

–        The order insisted on its members living in _______________________________

–        They were not allowed to receive money only food and only what they could use for that day


The Military Orders

Warrior ____________________

The Knights Templar: Started by __________________________________
The Hospitalers


Class work:

1. Come up with a modern example of a misconception that Christians have today about following Jesus (make sure you explain why you think it is a misconception and support your opinion)

2. Come up with a modern day example of someone or a group of Christians that are like each order and explain your answer


Change Begins to Come

One of the long term effects of the Crusades was the increase in education and technology that was brought back from the Middle East

Thomas Aquinas

Great scholar (intellectual) of Middle Ages

Show Me:

Compare and contrast the two Orders and explain the things that they were doing right & wrong when it comes to following Jesus.
Use what you have learned about the Crusades to explain why (or how) they could have help to bring about Scholasticism

Lesson Highlights

Pope _________ III was one of the most powerful Popes
The Church was corrupt and needed _________________
The Mendicant Orders à _____________________________
The Dominicans = _________________________________
The Franciscans = total ___________________________________________
The Military Orders (Templar) = soldiers _____________________________ 
Scholasticism = ___________________________ - Tomas Aquinas 

Bible III Unit 3 Lesson 3: The Decline of the Church Chapter 19 1249-1417

Learning Goals:

Identify and give examples of how and why the Church declined in political power, prestige, and purity during the latter (near the end) Middle Ages 


The Rise of France

14th Century (1300)
The French King Philip the Fair defies the Pope
The Pope _______________________ the King but this does nothing to the King

A Papal bull

It is an official papal pronouncement or declaration in which the Pope ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Why was Excommunication no longer an effective political tool for the Pope at this point in history?


 The Babylonian Captivity (Look in your books pg 136-137)

In 1309 the papal seat was moved from Rome to _______
Lasted for ____ years

_________ Kings dominated the papacy

Popes during this time

lived in ________
involved in scandals
often sold the office of ___________ and _____________

The Schism of 1378 (Read section 4 from books pg 137-138)

Rome wanted the _______________ back
_______________  wanted to keep the Pope
Rome set up a Pope
So there was a _________________  in Rome and one in France
Lasted ______________ years

Main Reason for the Decline of the Papacy

Nation States: ______________________________________________________________
Divine right of kings: ________________________________________________________
Division & Embarrassment

–        The Babylonian Captivity

–        The Schism of 1378


Class Work: Read Chapter 19 and 20 from the Church in history book and identify the key people and events on the worksheet (make sure you write things in your own words DO NOT COPY). Also work as a class to put the events and people into the timeline handout


Test your understanding by discussion the following questions with someone next you to:

Why could the pope use excommunication to control countries (or kings) that were feudalistic but not ones that were Nation States:
Explain how the Babylonian captivity (of the papacy) relates to the churches battle against the state and how it affected the churches purity:
Explain how the Schism of 1378 would have caused people during this time to question the power and authority of the Pope and how it might have caused them to question truth:


Show me what you have learned: (if you want you can make a series of images with descriptions or you can write it out in paragraph format)

Explain why the Pope was no longer able to control the King of France and what the King of France did to control the Pope
Describe the impact that this had on the Papacy and the conflict that came from it


Lesson Highlights:

From 1249-1500 the ________________ of the Church Declines because of _______________ and Divine right of Kings
It also declines spiritually

The Papacy is moved to _____________ and becomes very ____________ (The Babylonian Captivity) and then divided for a time when there is a ____________ in France and Rome (the Schism of 1379)


The Church Stirred from Within 1200-1517


Learning Goals:

Identify who spoke out against the corruption and problems in the Church in the Middle Ages and what happened to them?


Medieval Inquisition

The Church begins a campaign to stamp out the _______________________
The ____________________are put in charge of it. They begin arresting people and torturing them to ________________________________
Those that refused to recant (deny their heretical beliefs) were ______________________________

Vocabulary Alert

Recant  -- _________________________________________________


Write out your answers and then Discuss with a partner

What makes someone a heretic?


Can you think of one in the Bible – who? _________________________________________________
What are some modern Heresies? ________________________________________________________
Should the Church have tried to stop heresy? _______________________________________________
What could have they done differently? ____________________________________________________________________________________


Condemned as  Heretics, but were they ?

Peter Waldo believed

that the __________ should be the rule of faith,
he was a _____________, (view on war)
did not believe in _____________, (when you die)
both Men and Women could ______________
________________ could be offered anywhere not just in Churches

John Wycliffe

Translated the Bible into ______________ (early 14th century)
Spoke out against the _________________ that had corrupted the church
Taught that the Bible should be the _____ of faith
His followers in England (the Lollards) were all _________________



John Huss

He was a follower of _______________in Bohemia (Germany/Czech Republic
He taught many things which later became the main teachings of the _________________
He was ____________________
His followers were _____________
His ______________ lived on


The end of the Middle ages 

In 1453 the __________________ took over the city Constantinople
This is the official end  of the _______________. It had lasted for 1000 years after the barbarians had taken the West.
This event helps to mark the End of the __________________and the Beginning of the Renaissance 


Lesson Highlights

A number of people were labeled as ____________because they wanted to bring ________to the church

Peter________, John __________& John ___________

Many of their ideas would be continued during the Reformation
The church ________________ and __________ them if they would not recant = Medieval Inquisition
The fall of Constantinople in 1453 = the beginning of the ___________________________