Santiago Christian School

11th Unit 5 Notes

Bible III Unit 5 Lesson 1: The Church Enters the Modern Era 1648- today


Learning Goals

Explain the major Secular Influences and worldviews (that developed from the 1600’s to 2000) that are opposed to Christianity
Identify how the Christians responded to these with various Church Movements that fought against the secular influences
Make a cause and effect connection between philosophical, historical and religious movements


Secular Influences vs.  Church Movements

Secular Influences

Things that pulled society away from a focus on God to focusing more on _______________

Church Movements

Ways that Christian changed and developed in response the Secular Influences


Why are so many Americans turning away from God and religion?
What will cause the same to happen in the Dominican Republic


What you will do

Each group will be given an era and they will have to read the materials for their era
Develop a presentation (Flow chart, a short skit or personification, actions and phrases, a set of illustrations with captions) that will explain the Historical movement, worldviews, apologetic questions and the Church movement for their era. You will need to make a cause and effect connection between all of them and show how they are related.


Example 1950-2000: Globalization & Religious Pluralism vs. Evangelicalism




1600’s Renaissance vs. State Churches












1700’s Enlightenment vs. Great Awakening










1800’s Industrial Revolution & Darwin vs. Modern Missions










1900-1950 Liberalism vs. Fundamentalism











1950-2000 Religious Pluralism or Universalism vs Evangelicalism









Show me what you know

Turn in your Chart, Make sure that you complete it in your own words. If  you want you can make a characterure with captions to show that you know the Historical movement and worldview 



Lesson Highlights

Make your own – look over your notes and identify the main concepts and ideas



Bible III Unit 5 Lesson 2: Modern Heresies or Cults; The Mormons, Adventist & Jehovah Witnesses


Learning Goals

Identify some of the major heresies or cults that have developed in the past 200 years
Compare and contrast the heresies or cults with mainline Christian denominations


The 1800’s: Heresies/Cults arise that deny key _______________ of Christianity: Mormons and Adventism


Christianity Vs. Heresy







Mormons: The church of Jesus Christ of latter day Saints

Founded by Joseph Smith in 1830
Believe the Book of Mormon as _________________________

- “It contains prophecies of Christ and also reveals how Christ, after His resurrection and ascension into heaven, later ministered to those who had waited for Him in the New World”

They do not accept the _______________ – that Jesus and God are one


Class Work: Work in groups to come up with 10 facts about life in the Americas before the Europeans came (such as types of animals, crops, major cultures, types of weapons, methods of writing and currency, etc…


Class work: Individually as you watch the video:

Make 3 Observations, Come up with 2 questions, and 1conculsion or analysis




Founded by William Miller in 1843
He predicted Jesus _____________ in 1844 – & that the 7th day of creation would begin
When it did not happen some left but others became Adventists
7th Day Adventist is one of the groups that came from this they follow the Old Testament Laws like keeping the _______________ & the dietary restrictions.


The 1900’s: The Cult of Jehovah’s Witness Starts (from the Advent groups


Jehovah’s Witness

A new Adventist movement that began in 1931
They do not believe in the _______________ that Jesus and God are one
Have their own translation of the __________ and also believe that the Bible must be interpreted by their organization – the watchtower press


Class work: Read the handout on Jordan the Jehovah’s Witness and Marty The Mormon

Answer this question: Why is believing in the Trinity essential to the Christian Religion? (make sure that you explain AND support your answer)



Religious Pluralism or Universalism

All beliefs are good and valid
All __________________ can take you to a good place when you die


Show me what you know

Compare and contrast the Mormons and Jehovah Witness with the mainline Christian Denominations (include at least 5 main points of comparison and explain them)



Lesson Highlights

Both Mormons and Jehovah Witness do not believe in _________________
Some _________ groups also do not believe in the Trinity
The Mormons have their own _________ called the Book of Mormon 
There is no ___________ to support the Book of Mormon
The Jehovah Witnesses have their own _________ of the Bible that significantly different from versions
The 7th Day Adventist believe in the trinity but think that Christians have to follow all the laws of the Old Testament and worship on _________________



Bible III Unit 5 Lesson 3: Methodists & Pentecostal


What you need to know:

Where they came from (who they are related to)?
What is their main characteristic?
What did they contribute to Christianity?


Learning goals

Compare and contrast the Methodist and Pentecostal denominations
Identify the following terms Sanctification, Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Charismatic, & Pentecostal


Discussion Questions?

What is more important for knowing Truth, what the Bible says or what you have experienced?
Do you think that we can become holy in this life? (never committing intentional sins).
Can people perform miracles today? (instant healings, etc…)


Read the article and answer the questions

How did they get the Name Methodists
What are the 3 thing that this church was known for?
What do Methodists add to Scripture, Tradition and Reason?
What do the Methodists emphasize?


The Methodist

Founded by ____________________ in 1729 as part of the Church of England –

Focus more on ______________ rather then on God’s sovereignty
Add ______________________ to the Bible, Tradition and Reason 
Focus on ___________________ (becoming holy) through a method of ________________


Entire sanctification is possible

You can stop committing ___________________ sins completely.


Pentecostal Questions

What powers the Sanctified life?
What is sanctification?
What is baptism of the Spirit/Holy Ghost?
Define Charismatic and Pentecostal?
What does the Salvation Army fight against? How do they do this?


Sanctification = The ____________________ of becoming ________________




Came from the ____________________  Church in early 1900’s
Focus on the _________________ and believe that we can still perform miracles
Focus on Baptized by the Holy Spirit

Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Has nothing to do with ___________________
It is when the ____________________ comes into you and gives you __________ (typically miracles or spiritual powers like speaking in tongues)


Both the Methods and Pentecostals focus on Experience

Important in realizing that the Word of God is for today and applies to us
Why might there be some danger in focusing too much on this


Show me what you know: Methodists and Pentecostals

Write an essay to demonstrate your understanding of the Pentecostal and Methodists Traditions (make sure you explain things in your own words). Be sure to include their beliefs regarding sanctification and what they emphasize and focus on (including examples of how they addressed social justice). Be sure to include and explain the following terms: Sanctification, Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Charismatic, & Pentecostal.

Lesson Highlights


Methods – part of ____________________
Both the Methods and Pentecostals focus on ______________ and experience.

Methods = __________________ to be holy
Pentecostals = Holy Spirit Power

Baptism of Holy Spirit = Spirit comes on you and give you the ____________ to be holy and use spiritual gifts
Charismatic = all who focus on the ______________ of the Holy Spirit






Bible III Unit 5 Lesson 4 Baptists and Nondenominational Christianity


Learning Goals

Identify and explain how the Baptist and Nondenominational Christians are associated with the Church Movements of the 20th century
Evaluate the positive and negative aspects of the mega church movement and analyze if it is a syncretism with pragmatism or a way of contextualizing the Gospel to the modern world



Mega Churches

________________ churches (thousands of people)
Usually have theater like seating
Often have bookstores and coffee shops
Use lots of ____________________ (projectors, light effects, videos)
Have separate services for youth


List some of the positive and negative things about a mega church


The Baptist

A mix between the Church of England and the Anabaptist
Key Beliefs – ______________ Baptism and Preaching the Gospel
Ideas Fundamentalism



began in the 1900
A group of Christians who do not have any direct ___________ with others regarding their doctrines and practices


Class work: The Baptists; read the articles in the Paper and find the Answers:

What is Fundamentalism and how & why did it start?
Identify and explain the 5 basic convictions of the Baptists


Class work: Nondenominational; read the articles in the Paper and find the Answers:

3. What is a denomination? And why are there so many of them

4. Define Evangelical and Mega church

Take the Evangelical quiz and note your score (are you surprised by your score – why or why not)


Believers Baptism

“Baptism is a sign of faith that the believer has repented of sins, accepted Jesus as Savior, and is beginning a new life with God. For that reason, only those old enough to make this decision can be baptized.



The Bible is the ____________ (error-free) Word of God.
Jesus is God, born of the virgin Mary
Christ died on the cross as a substitute for the sins of all people
Christ was resurrected in his body
Christ will come again in person
All believers will be resurrected in their physical bodies at the end of time.


Dispensational Theology:

God has worked ______________________ through time in stages and expected different things from people to be right with him


Whatever works (________________) vs. Contextualization

Doing whatever works to get a result Vs. Being relevant to your Culture


What matters more the results or how you get them?


Pragmatic = being _______________, looking for a solution that works that best
Pragmatism (whatever works) = Doing whatever works to get a result, regardless _______________



Is the Mega Church movement Pragmatic and contextualizing the Gospel or is it syncretizing with Pragmatism?

Contextualization vs. Syncretism



Being relevant to the _____________ by changing the __________ but not the message



Is the _____________ of one or more believe systems
Usually it is the blending of two




Do you think that the Mega Churches are just doing whatever works to get people to go to their churches and changing Christianity or do you think that they are contextualizing the gospel – Why?


Show me what you know:

Identify and explain how the Baptist and Nondenominational Christians are associated with the Church Movements of the 20th century
Evaluate the positive and negative aspects of the mega church movement and analyze if it is a syncretism with pragmatism or a way of  contextualizing the Gospel to the modern world


Lesson Highlights


Denomination = a group of churches that share common ______________, practices and are connected with each other  
Mega Church = a modern style church with ___________________ of people
____________________ = Personal Relationship w/ God +Bible is true
Ecumenism = denominations working together
Pragmatism= doing what __________________ regardless of it being the right thing to do 
contextualization = Making God ___________________  to culture
Syncretism = _______________ of two or more religions to make a new one