Santiago Christian School

Shaping the Lives of Those Who Will Shape the Nation

•   Excellence - Excelencia
•   Integrity - Integridad
•   Community - Comunidad
•   Service - Servicio


Formando las vidas de aquellos que transformarán la nación

Santiago Christian School Santiago Excellence Santiago to Serve
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SCS News and Events

  • Parent Teacher Conferences/Conferencias de Padres y Maestros
  • Examenes Completivos
  • Pruebas Nacionales Grado 8
  • SCS Summer Camp begins/Inicia el Campamento de Verano del SCS 
  • Pruebas Nacionales Grado 12
  • School Year 2015-16 begins/Incia el año escolar 2015-16


Videos:  SCS Reflections on Psalm 96   | We Are SCS  | SCS Promotional Video | Megan Garven Memorial Playground - Video



Parent Student Handbook 2014-15 | Manual de Padres y Estudiantes 14-15  
Power School  |  Power Teacher  |  SCS Email
Teachers Pages: ECE | Elementary | Middle School | High School
SCS Library Site | EBSCO Databases  | SCS Athletics
MS Assessment Calendar (View)  |  MS Assessment Calendar (Subscribe)
HS Assessment Calendar (View)  |  HS Assessment Calendar (Subscribe)
9th Grade Summer Reading Assignment | 10th Grade Summer Reading Assignment | 11th Grade Summer Reading Assignment | 12th Grade Summer Reading Assignment | AP English Summer Reading Assignment | 7th & 8th Grades Summer Reading Assignment | 6th Grade Summer Reading List | 6th Grade Summer Reading Assignment
6th grade- Middle School  Supply List 2015-16 | 7-8 Grade Supply List 2015-16 | High School Supply List 2015-16


Donantes en Estados Unidos se han ofrecido a dar DOS pesos o DOS dólares por cada UN peso o UN dólar donado para la construcción del nuevo edificio, hasta completar US$500,000.
Donors in the United States have offered to give TWO pesos or TWO dollars for every ONE peso or ONE dollar donated for our new classroom building up to $500,000 US.
Master Plan - Phase 1   |  SCS Plan Maestro - Fase 1