Santiago Christian School

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Middle Ages
Ana Bonilla 11/22/2010 01:14 PM CST
In your own words describe what life was like for people during the Middle Ages including what they eat how they lived, medicine, clothing, and what role religion played in their lives (how often did they pray and go to church). (at least 2 paragraphs)
Life for the people during the middle ages was very different then for us today. They had the Feudal System which were the privileges given to the upper class. They lived with very poor hygiene and so their health was affected by it. Many illnesses went around and there were no antibiotics to fight it. Their clothing was influenced by the classical styles od the Greek and Roman culture. Clothing like tunics, long coak and closed shoes.
                        During this time the only religion was Christianity, but in a Catholic form. It didn’t matter what your social class was, your life was dominated by the church and by its religion. Monks and Nuns also existed in the Catholic Church and institutions such as monasteries and convents would represent God. Religious church music became the medieval music. And some pagan rituals like dancing, were also including in their acts. Their works of arts were very famous and they were inspired by the Renaissance. They did illuminated manuscripts, mosaics, paintings in churches, etc. but they never painted portraits.
Who was St Benedict and what were the 3 rules that Benedictine monks had to vow to follow?
                        St Benedict lived during the 6th century and he influenced greatly the traditions of Christian monasticism. The monks were known as Benedictines. They had rules such as perform manual labors. They were forbidden to own properties, leave the monastery or become entangled in things of society. They also had to carry out the day in silence .
How was life and Christianity different for the Christian that lived in the Byzantine Empire?
                        The life of the Christians was very different from that of the Christians in the Byzantine Empire. The Byzantine Church made devotions to icons and sacred images. These images were prayed to, kissed and honored. They also did not use Feudal System, instead the emperor of the Byzantium was the only power and he had a centralized government.
Explore various areas of the website and write 5 interesting facts (or people) that you learned about the Middle Ages that you did not already know.
                        ~ Paper is first introduced in Europe (early 12th century)
                                ~ Famous castles build during this era were the Tower of London, Windsor Castle, ect.           
                                ~ At age of 7, boys were sent to castles on their knighthood training.
                                ~Torture chambers and dungeons were made in castles at this time.

                                ~ Swords and armors made the fight of just one knight was worth 10 ordinary soldiers or men-at-arms