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The Papacy
Bader 09/09/2010 07:36 AM CST

Bishops of Rome: from the 1st century AD

 “The pope is the bishop of Rome. The name derives from a Greek word pappas, meaning father, and Rome's bishop is seen as the father figure of the early church because of the link with St Peter. Jesus is believed to have appointed Peter as the rock on which the church will be built; and Peter is believed to have been martyred in Rome. As the capital of the empire, Rome is also a natural centre for the growing church.” (Gascoigne,1)

“Unlike any other Christian see, Rome can put at least a name to every bishop in an unbroken line back to the 1st century of the Christian era and to St Peter himself as the first pope. The papacy, though not recognized as such until later centuries, has impressive credentials.” (Gascoigne, 1)

Gascoigne, Bamber. “History of Papacy” HistoryWorld. From 2001, ongoing.


For most controversies the churches appealed to Rome

Irenaeus (Apostolic Father) wrote in 185 that churches must agree with Rome

In the West they acknowledged his supremacy

In the East as the other patriarchal bishops rivaled for supremacy against each other they would often support the bishop of Rome

The Council of Chalcedon declared the bishop of Constantinople to be of equal authority with the bishop of Rome
