Santiago Christian School

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Bader 10/04/2010 08:59 AM CST



Niko is a five day wilderness leadership training program run by YWAM Santiago where you step out and discover more about who God has made you to be. Your learning environment will be the great outdoors, the "classroom of life". You will learn skills vital to working as a team, being a leader, and pushing yourself beyond the limits you thought you could never overcome. We have seen major changes in groups as they learn to surrender their individual rights and become interdependent on each other as they grow in their dependence on Jesus our Rock. Come with us as we discover God in new ways! (this one is in spanish)


NIKO 2011:  Abril 18-22, 2011 - your last chance to hand in your application is  March 10, 2011. The space is limited.


Our NIKO is sometimes bilingual English-Spanish, and sometimes only Spanish. If you are interested in this ministry please contact us at YWAM Santiago for the application.



                                         Un Ministerio de Juventud Con Una Misión, Santiago, Republica Dominicana



Glenn y Rhoda Martin

JUCUM Santiago
