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Bader 09/01/2010 07:54 PM CST


(Michael O'Connell,2009).

  • Denied Jesus humanity
  • Clearly a mix between Philosophy and Christianity (physical bad / spiritual good)
  • Claimed to have secret knowledge (like most of the mystery cults during the time)
  • A theosophical system that pre-dates Christianity. 
  • But became mixed with Jewish and Christian ideas, particularly in Egypt, to produce forms of Gnostic Christianity in 2nd through 4th centuries. 
  • Appears to have been dualistic: a good, spiritual world created by good God (or emanations from this God), and an evil god who created material world. 
  • Human beings are mixed creatures, containing the divine spark, but mired in materiality of body and its needs, desires.
  • They must seek knowledge (= gnosis in Greek) of the spiritual world in order to liberate themselves from evil and material world. 
  • Salvation comes through knowledge, gnosis.


Some of the Gnostic writings



Michael O'Connell (2009). English 116B: The Literature of the New Testament. The University of California, Santa Barbara, retrieved from