Santiago Christian School

American Literature

Welcome to American Literature! I look forward to exploring several exciting pieces of literature with you this semester, looking especially at the American dream and its changing definition of prosperity. Some of the key questions we will consider this semester are:


  • What does the “American dream” mean to the people of each period?
  • How is a goal accomplished or derailed?
  • Personal Question: What is your “American/ Dominican dream?”


  • How is prosperity defined? In terms of material prosperity or spiritual prosperity?
  • How does one’s view of prosperity affect his lifestyle and choices?
  • How does God define prosperity? (Is there a difference between God’s economy and man’s economy?)


  • Who is God?
  • Who is man?
  • What is the nature of the universe?
  • What happens at death?
  • What is the meaning of human history?
  • What is knowledge?
  • What is morality?


  • Why read and write stories?
  • How does the structure of a story impact its message?
  • What does the author want the reader to understand (theme)?
  • What can a Christian take away from a non-Christian piece of literature?


  • Assorted poetry, short stories, and non-fiction
  • The Crucible by Arthur Miller
  • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
  • Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
  • The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry



Class Work and Homework

Rip Van Winkle text as pdf

October 19, 2011
By Miss Brooker

This short story should be read by Wednesday, October 26/ Thursday October 27.

Enjoy the Romanticism in the story!

Class work week of Sept 12

September 19, 2011
By Miss Brooker

Monday 12/ Tuesday 13:

Grammar Sentence #5.. Please have a friend EXPLAIN what you have missed.

Finish reading Act 2 of The Crucible. Then read the appendix in the back of the book. This section includes KEY information on Abigail, revealing to us her motivation.

Wednesday 14/Thursday 15:

Grammar Quiz... please come see me to make this up!

Movie to finish Act 2.

Writing activity in class: Write a paragraph explaining your prediction of what will happen in the rest of the drama based on the information you have been given (check for good organization and well-used quotations). You should include TWO quotations, and each quotation should have TWO sentences explaining how it ties to your topic sentence (which is your prediciton).

Friday 16/ Monday 19:

Court Day! Welcome to the Salem Witch Trials! Today will begin to show us the outcome of the word can turn the trial on its head. We finished the reading of Act 3, and started to watch the movie. Please make sure you are caught up on the reading!


Sept 6-7

September 07, 2011
By Miss Brooker

Grammar Sentence #4--

Now Leonato had a comely daughter that was named Hero.  Not only was she beautiful but she was dulcet and virtuous as well.

We watched the first act of The Crucible, and then we continued reading to page 67.

Your homework is to complete the quotation sheet below, identifying which element of a tragic figure the quotation demonstrates.

Aug 31/ Sept 1 and Sept 2/5

September 02, 2011
By Miss Brooker

Aug 31/ Sept 1:

Grammar Sentence #2: Please see a friend for your grammar rules and vocabulary terms. Be sure that he/she EXPLAINS this information to you... Simply copying will not help you to understand the material... You never know which grammar sentence will appear on a quiz!

Watch the following movie clip to give you a preview to our first drama, The Crucible:

Look through the following ppt for information of the Tragic Figure.

Begin reading! (Ummm... you'll have to come see me for a book!) Act One through page 24.


Sept 2/ Sept 5:

Journaling (no grammar sentence today!): You've heard the phrase" Mind your own business," but Arthur Miller wrote about the opposite:

“This predilection (tendency) for minding other people’s business was time-honored among the people of Salem, and it undoubtedly created many of the suspicions which were to feed the coming madness.” (Crucible Guide page 12, no 2). What happens when people start minding OTHER peoples’ business?

Continue reading... you should finish Act One.


Read  page 49-55 (Mary Warran’s entrance)  Answer the question: What is Elizabeth and Proctor’s marriage like? Write a well-structured paragraph using two supports from the text to prove your answer.

Aug 25/26 and Aug 29/30

September 02, 2011
By Miss Brooker

August 25/26:

In Class essay writing... see me, please!

August 29/30:

1. Grammar Sentence #1: Please see a friend for your grammar rules and vocabulary terms. Be sure that he/she EXPLAINS this information to you... Simply copying will not help you to understand the material... You never know which grammar sentence will appear on a quiz!

2. Full- class activity (this cannot easily be made up, but I do want you to be familiar with what happened in class!): We brainstormed ideas and images associated with the following themes: fear, witch, lies, name. Groups then presented tableaus with accompanying monologues around each of these themes.

3. The Very Proper Gander: Please read the story below and respond to these journaling questions: What  is the rumor? How does it begin? How does the rumor spread? What motivates the gander's negihbors to act as they do?

Aug 19 and 24

August 24, 2011
By Miss Brooker

American Lit: day two

A few updates:

As decided by student recommendations, the classroom rules are

*Respect each other, teachers, and property

*Act with responsibility

Consequences will begin with a warning, progress to a conference with Miss Brooker  (during lunch or after school), and continue with an office detention.

Please read through the Participation Self- Evaluation and make your own goals for the quarter. We will monitor these goals throughout the quarter, and in October you will assign and defend your grade for participation.

The majority of our time was spent reviewing OUTLINING and creating an outline to be used NEXT CLASS PERIOD as you write your IN CLASS ESSAY OVER SUMMER READING NOVELS. Please make sure your outline includes the following:

Thesis responding to the prompt: Connect the novel you chose to the American dream (or to the theme of dreams). Your thesis should introduce the three ideas you will focus on in your body paragraphs.

Each body paragraph should be organized as follows

I.      Topic sentence

        A.     Quotation #1

       B.       Quotation #2

       C.       Quotations' connection to the American dream

Please come see me if you have any questions

**Remember, orange highlighter means that item appears in the gradebook. If you do not complete it in a timely manner, a zero will appear! Turquoise means I will check for that handout/ question in your binder when I assess your binder.



Wednesday, August 17 and Thursday August 18

August 17, 2011
By Miss Brooker

Welcome to American Literature! We missed you in class. Please use the message board below to check for make up work. Each day will list the class activities, highlighting in turquoise any handouts used for the day. Please open the attachments at the end of each post to access the pdf version of those files. Anything marked in orange should be submitted for a grade. ALL ATTACHMENTS SHOULD BE PRINTED AND INCLUDED IN YOUR BINDER. Please see Miss Brooker if you have any questions!

In class we:

  • completed the Summer Reading Survey (labeled "Freshman" but it's for you!!)
  • reviewed Materials List and Class procedure
  • read the Big Ideas and Essential Questions (see above)
  • created/ discussed rules and consequences for the class
  • created definition of the American dream based on founding father quotations

Homework for Tuesday, August 23 (A) or Wednesday, August 24 (B)

  • Bring a USB and binder... these will be checked as a homework grade!
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10/19/11 - By Miss Brooker
9/19/11 - By Miss Brooker
9/7/11 - By Miss Brooker
9/2/11 - By Miss Brooker
9/2/11 - By Miss Brooker
8/24/11 - By Miss Brooker
8/17/11 - By Miss Brooker